Saturday, March 21, 2015

In the News

The pop icons of the day are rising up. "#BoycottDolceGabbana". Elton John, Martina Navratilova, Courtney Love, Ricky Martin, and more are outraged. Courtney love promises to burn all her Dolce & Gabbana stuff. Why? Domenico Dolce of fashion designers Dolce and Gabbana in an interview said the unthinkable. "Every child should have a mother." I mean, how could he?! "You are born and you have a father and a mother. Or at least it should be like this, that's why I am not convinced by chemical children, synthetic babies, wombs for rent." Oh, the humanity!

Oh, wait ... what exactly is the problem here? Is it offensive to suggest that children should have a father and a mother? Is it wrong to argue that two, married (remember my definition of "married" is the longstanding, traditional one), loving parents is the best for children? I mean, that's offensive today? (And isn't it ironic that it comes from Dolce, who was romantically involved with Gabbana? Is it possible that people with same-sex attractions who don't believe in "gay marriage" are the problem?)

I know, I know, "They are outraged by the insult to IVF children!" Which, of course, didn't happen. Dolce suggested that it was not best for children, not that the children were any "less" in any way. But the approach of twisting statements deemed unacceptable to that segment of society will always be the pattern and, I fear, the serviceable strategy.

In other news, Lieutenant Commander Wes Modder, a chaplain in the Navy, is facing charges of intolerance and disrespect because he privately counseled people on issues pertaining to faith, marriage, and sexuality. Yes, privately. The military limits what can be said publicly by chaplains, but Lt Cmdr Modder did it privately. The audacity! The man, an Assemblies of God chaplain, opted to express honestly and privately his views that sex should be limited to marriage and that marriage was between a man and a woman. For being unable to "function in the diverse and pluralistic environment", he faces possible dismissal I guess the military only wants chaplains without distinctions. Like the liberal, mainstream churches that have no distinctions, no distinctives, very little impact, and precious little truth. And once again, it would appear that the only way to "function in the diverse and pluralistic environment" is to eliminate the diverse and the pluralistic.

Then, in light of this little piece where a pastor argues that "By the time a Church legitimizes 'same sex marriage', it has already ceased to be a Church", what are we to make of this little bit of news, where the Presbyterian Church (USA) formally legitimizes "same sex marriage"? Well, when pastors can be classified as "in good standing" with the PCUSA while denying the Resurrection or even actual existence of Christ and advocating the Jesus Seminar and atheism, it's pretty difficult to argue that this is still a Church in any Christian sort of way.

On the world scene, Russia has launched military maneuvers in the Arctic with 38,000 servicemen, 50+ surface ships and submarines, and 110 aircraft. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said "The new challenges and military threats require further increase of the armed forces' capabilities." If that doesn't give you pause, you're probably not paying attention.

You know, after a very short exposure to this kind of stuff, I begin to wonder if the pre-television, news-at-the-tip-of-your-fingers world didn't have its advantages.


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