Monday, March 16, 2015

I Believe in Marriage

I believe in marriage. I believe it is valuable and useful and profitable to those who engage in it. I believe that everyone should have the right to marry. I believe that race should not be a reason to forbid marriage. I believe marriage should be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth (1 Tim 4:3). Look, I like marriage and think that it's a good idea. So if a man who has sexual attraction to a man wants to marry, I say he should. And if a woman who is sexually attracted to women wishes to marry, I say she should. Because I believe in marriage.

Of course, when you define marriage as I do, as it has always been defined--the union of a male and a female for a lifelong commitment for the purposes of mutual support, encouragement, and even offspring--you may understand why I'm so bold in my assertion regarding marriage. So if a man who identifies himself as "gay" wishes to marry a woman, I'm all for it. If a woman who calls herself a "lesbian" wishes to marry a man, I'm in favor of it. Hey, maybe they'd like to marry each other? Well, maybe.

I'm in favor of marriage. I'm not in favor of the destruction of marriage by refuting it, deconstructing it, redefining it until it has no definition, and then asserting that lump of useless nonsense is "marriage". I don't consider that "pro-marriage" and I don't see how handing that lump out to everyone is "marriage equity". "Here. Have some mud. Now you're equal."

Nor is it "anti-gay marriage" to believe in marriage. It isn't a "prohibition" or "ban" any more than defining "beef" as "coming from a cow" is "anti-pork". It just isn't so. And no amount of pulpit-pounding from the media or the general populace will make it so. I will continue to stand for marriage. It's not mean-spirited. Nor is it complicated.

Because I believe in marriage.

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