Monday, March 02, 2015

Biblical Standards on the Block

The Washington Post reports that Erskine College in South Carolina is not free in heart or mind when it comes to homosexual behavior. Apparently the Student Services and Athletic Committee issued a document on human sexuality that reads in part, "We believe the Bible teaches that monogamous marriage between a man and a woman is God’s intended design for humanity and that sexual intimacy has its proper place only within the context of marriage." Stunning. Simply stunning. In this day and age! And from a college "which is aligned with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian tradition." Well I never! Indeed, they had the audacity to give Scripture references! Has it come to this!!??

Apparently it's a new policy caused by a couple of volleyball players announcing their sinful disposition to sexual relations with the same gender. It's outrageous! Oh, not because it bans those guys from playing on the volleyball team. No. It doesn't do that. It simply makes it "a bit awkward for two of the school's volleyball players who came out as gay last year." Because by no means should those who hold to positions contrary to a Christian perspective be subjected to possibly feeling awkward. That's reserved for Christians who stand by the Bible.

So Erskine is compared to the Westboro Baptist Church and a negative view on Galileo. They're accused of cherry picking the Bible to "keep gay people out" because, as everyone knows, any opinion that does not fully embrace homosexuality is bad ... even if it's in the Bible. Even if it doesn't do anything. (The policy simply declares what they recognize is the right conditions for sexual intimacy--biblical marriage--and doesn't appear to prevent anyone from doing anything.) Erskine College has stated clearly, "Rooted in the historic Evangelical and Reformed Christian tradition, Erskine has always sought to show hospitality and respect to all members of its community, regardless of their religious or philosophical commitments." Doesn't matter. This will never fly.

Don't worry, folks. It won't last. College accreditation boards will not give accreditation to colleges that stand on the standards of the Bible, even if they are Christian colleges. Maybe you've already heard about Gordon College threatened to lose accreditation for such a position. Perhaps you've heard about the movement known as Safety Net in opposition to such schools as Bob Jones University, George Fox University, Biola, Wheaton College, and Fuller Theological Seminary protesting "a set of biblical teachings" with their focus on The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), the accreditation body for such universities and colleges. Oh, no, it won't last. It will require either coerced discarding of biblical standards or the end of the school as an accredited entity (and, likely, the end of the school).

Fortunately, the inclusive, loving, LGBTQ community is spreading its arms wide in order to shoot down every possible opposition to their personal sexual satisfaction. They'll get rid of those lousy Christians with Bibles one way or another ... because that community is so tolerant.

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