Thursday, February 19, 2015

By Him For Him

Jean Lloyd, PhD, is a teacher and a happily married mother of two young children. She wrote an article for The Witherspoon Institute about gender identity. No, not quite what you think. Dr. Lloyd wrote of her own struggles as a 15-year-old girl in 1985 and compared what would have happened if it had been 2015. Back then, the option would have been for every friend, parent, and therapist to argue, cajol, even force her out of her confusion. Today it is illegal in some states to do that. In todays' world, she argues, the one option she would not have had was to not be gay. Very interesting article, especially coming from someone who has been there.

She concludes with a little about how she ended up following God instead of embracing the lesbian life.
I began to trust the One who knew the truth of my identity more than I did, who wrote His image into my being and body as female, and who designed sexuality and set boundaries upon it for my good.
Wow! She gets it. She understands. She understands better than a lot of the rest of us do.

The issue is not "me", my desires, my preferences, my leanings. It isn't, as has become the case for so many these days, my orgasm. It is God. God knows your identity. He knows it better than you do. He wrote His image on you. The gender assigned by God at birth was no accident of birth or some sort of child abuse[1]. It's about God.

And it's about what's best for you. She fully recognized the truth that God designed her sexuality and "set boundaries upon it for my good." The "I feel this way so I should be allowed to indulge my feelings" line of argumentation makes no sense. We tell angry people who feel like killing to control their feelings and we tell sad people who feel like suicide to control their feelings, but when it comes to sexual desires, we tell them to go with their feelings? God limits sexual freedom for your good. That applies, by the way, to whatever sexual proclivity you might have.

I wish more people would understand what Dr. Lloyd figured out. It's about God and what He thinks is best for you. He is God; you are not. Work from there. But, I'm pretty sure that's the case beyond simple sexuality. I'm sure it's the case in all facets of our lives. And I'm pretty sure that we all have work to do on that line of thinking.
[1] There is actually a website (to which I won't link) dedicated to "stop gendering children." As if you're doing them a favor. "Saying a child or adult with a penis’ sex is male is inherently transphobic and unnecessary," they say. "There is no reason to refer to genitals or sex as 'male' or 'female'." You understand, I hope, dear reader, that the clinical definition of "sex" as distinct from "gender" is specifically the reproductive anatomy. That is, a human with a penis is defined as the male sex, regardless of whether or not you want to do a "gender dance" where gender is fluid. This, in fact, is why transsexual operations attempt to change the reproductive anatomy to align with the "felt gender". If it wasn't the definition, it wouldn't matter, would it?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this great article. I agree with it all. I have also read Dr. Lloyd's articles and they gave me great hope. Thank God that not only does He love us, but He also can redeem skewed sexuality and bring about healthy, godly desires!


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