Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In Other News

In Nigeria Boko Haram militants attacked some 16 villages killing as many as 2,000 people. The attack started January 3rd and lasted through the weekend. Some 30,000 people were displaced, fleeing for their lives. You remember Boko Haram. They're the Islamic militants that kidnapped over 200 school girls last year. They're still missing. A spokesperson for the State Department said the group shows no regard for human life and needs to be held responsible. Meanwhile, Cameroon is facing threats from the same group. The odd thing is that I saw headlines about people being upset that American representation didn't show up to to the rally in Paris over the terrorist attack that killed 12 there, but had to go a long way to find out that 2,000 were killed by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.

You may have heard that General David Petraeus is in the news again because he may face prosecution for leaking classified information to his mistress. Good news ... Attorney General Eric Holder of "fast and furious"-that-got-a-border-agent-killed fame assures us that the investigation will be handled fairly. I suppose if by "fairly" he means "If we find anything we'll dismiss it out of hand like we did for my case", that makes sense. As much sense as putting this same "fast and furious" fellow on the gun control issue.

Elsewhere, President Obama will host a summit on countering violent extremism next month. He will do this while never admitting that the violent extremists are Islamic terrorists. So, the aim is to confront violent extremism without considering its motivation or source.

You know, at some point I begin to wonder why I pay attention to the news ...


  1. OK, 5 bucks says that Obama includes Christians as extremists in his "summit".

    I need to add the word "summit" to my dictionary---"a way of looking like you are doing something when in reality you are, and intend to, do nothing at all."

  2. Don't know if Obama will, but the military already has, and so has the Southern Poverty Law Center (which, in turn is the source for others to make the same claim).


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