Saturday, December 27, 2014

Waiting for Santa

Well, now, isn't this interesting? GLMA is a website of "health professionals advancing LGBT equality", so it's not some right-wing "hater" site. And this article from a pro-gay site lists "the health issues GLMA’s healthcare providers have identified as most commonly of concern for gay men." Isn't that odd? Because they tell me that homosexual behavior has no physical ramifications. It's not "bad" for you. And yet these health professionals are concerned because HIV/AIDS is most prevalent among those who practice homosexual behavior. They state that men who have sex with men have an increased risk of hepatitis. Gay men experience greater body image problems. Homosexuals have a higher substance abuse rate. And so it goes. More STDs, more depression, more tobacco use, more HPV. Wait, didn't they tell me that there is no greater risk for homosexuals? And didn't they tell me that "harm" or not defines "moral"?

So I suppose I can expect an apology. "You're right; we were wrong. Homosexual behavior does typically cause more harm and, thus, should be considered immoral. Sorry it took so long for us to see that." Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for that one. I suppose it will come as surely as Santa ... who, by the way, did not. On the other hand, if someone expresses concern for folks who are risking both body and soul for something God says is wrong, that's called "hate". Ironic.

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