Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cosmic Killjoy

"Hear, O sons, a father's instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight," says Solomon (Prov 4:1) and sets out to urge his son to "Get wisdom" (Prov 4:5). He gives reasons to avoid sin (Prov 4:8,12,18,etc.). And he says this:
My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. (Prov 4:20-22)
God has a pretty bad reputation in many circles. He is the Cosmic Killjoy, making rules against everything you might enjoy, apparently simply because you might enjoy it. Rules against sex and drunkenness and the like. The Bible lists "disobedient to parents" right alongside "haters of God" and "inventors of evil." (Rom 1:30). That can't be right. In fact, Paul specifically lists "lovers of pleasure" as a bad thing (2 Tim 3:4). You like it? It's likely wrong.

Oh, sure, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you know that's how it feels. God is arbitrary in His rules and the first rule appears to be "thou shalt not do whatever it is that would make you happy." Check it out. Commandment #1 in Hezekiah 20:5. Okay, maybe not, but that's how it feels. So what's up with the rules?

That Proverbs passage says something we don't hear much. Solomon assured his son that following his wise advice by pursuing wisdom and avoiding sin would produce "healing to all their flesh". Did you catch that? Because we surely don't hear that one very often. God says that obedience to His instructions is good for you. Here, let me do that again. Good for you. God isn't being a killjoy. As the Maker of the human machine, He's telling you how it works best. In order to avoid a breakdown, avoid violating the operating instructions. If you want to be happy, follow the operating instructions. If you want to avoid difficulties (Prov 4:12), to be honored (Prov 4:8), to be safe (Prov 6), to live long (Prov 4:10), and so much more, pursue wisdom and avoid sin.

No, it's not a killjoy. It's a better way. If it is not such to you, I suspect you're missing the point. Ignorance or willful ignorance. Either way, it is a good thing to follow Christ, a very good thing. And not just because He says so. It's not a killjoy; it is the abundant life.

1 comment:

  1. You always want to look to the manufacturer for operating instructions and safety warnings.


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