Sunday, November 02, 2014


The Old Testament name of God used repeatedly in the Bible is the name, YHWH, turned to Jehovah in Latin and carried forward that way to our time. Often translated in modern versions as simply "LORD" (usually "LORD"), it is the name of God. The name is called the Tetragrammaton, from Greek, meaning "consisting of four letters". But it sounds so much cooler than its meaning. "Tetragrammaton? Isn't he one of the Transformers?" No. It is God's Name.

It is the name given to Moses when he asked the burning bush, "Who shall I say sent me?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM; thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" (Exo 3:14). YHWH. The unpronounceable name. The name of the Self-existent One, the one who simply is. He is the source, the one that brings all things into existence. Remember, "exist" is, in its purest literal form, "that which is out of that which is". Thus, it is most accurate to say that all that exists is out of God because God is, but everything else has come to be.

It is the name that answers the conundrum, "Who made God?" No one. He is. He is the uncaused Cause. The Necessary Being, the being without whom nothing could exist. He is the only reasonable explanation of where everything came from as opposed to the ever-popular "nothing" that the skeptics have produced by their own deep faith. "Everything comes from nothing!" As if that is rational.

It is the name that describes the source--the source of all existence, sure, but all power and everything else that is, as well.

It is the grand explanation, the only possible answer, the bottom line. As the sole source, He is the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent, the Omniscient. He is Immutable and Faithful.

All this from four letters. Far bigger than most of us realize. Much bigger than any Transformer.

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