Saturday, September 06, 2014

Liberty and License

When we think of "license" we typically think of "formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something." You know, "driver's license", "contractor's license", "marriage license", that sort of thing. But it has a much broader sense. It means "permission to do or not to do something." The root of the word is the Latin licēns, meaning simply "to be allowed". It is no large step, then, to go from "license" -- permission to do something -- to "licentious" -- "unrestrained by law or morality."

America was built on Christian values. (Note: Not all of the founders of our country were Christians, but most were working off Christian principles.) So when they built it on principles of rights, they built it on rights endowed by a Creator. When they built it on principles of freedom, they built it on principles of Christian freedom. You see, while we (Americans and even American Christians) practically worship liberty, there is a real danger in it. Unchecked, liberty will turn into license and license into licentiousness.

Welcome to liberty unchecked, the increasing definition of American freedom. We used to be bound by a shared sense of morality rooted in Christian values, but we've moved on from that now. We used to share a common bond of at least a sense of religion, but America is more and more tossing off her religious bindings. We're working now toward real freedom -- freedom from religion. The result, however, is something I don't think we'll like. The result can only be license, the permission to do whatever we want to do. The only possible responses to this untenable condition will be either draconian laws based on no absolutes imposed by the power of the day or anarchy. Or revival. I'll pray for the last option.

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