Thursday, August 21, 2014

But I Thought ...

Perhaps one of the most ominous verses in the Bible is found in Proverbs.
As [a man] thinks within himself, so is he (Prov 23:7).
We like to think that we're pretty good people, at least much of the time. We aren't stealing, murdering, committing adultery ... you know, doing a lot of bad things. Oh, sure, we may think about that stuff, but that's just in the privacy of our own minds. We never act on any of it. On the light side, there's the mental response you have to the guy who cut you off on the freeway that never gets expressed. On the heavier side is the secret time you spend fantasizing in porn that never gets expressed. It's all just mental, fantasy, private, unreal. Sure, it's not good, but it's not really that bad either, is it? I mean, you're not actually acting on any of it. Isn't that self-control?

Solomon said that you are what you think. Jesus said similar things. Adultery is sex between someone who is married and someone to whom they are not married. Jesus said it also was the desire to do so (Matt 5:27-28). Murder is the malicious termination of the life of another human being. Jesus said it was also the desire to do so (Matt 5:21-22). As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

That's a bit disturbing. I know I take comfort in knowing that most of the things I think about that are bad never make it past the brain. They're stopped right there. Self-control. And that's why this text is so ominous. It means that my self-control needs to start a lot earlier ... like in my thinking. Because if what I think about is what I am, then it's not good ... not good at all.

If you think "good enough" means "I think about it, but as long as I don't do it, it's good enough", you'd better think again. I suppose that's why it is necessary to "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom 12:2).


  1. Many believe it matters how they live. Many have the conviction that “being good” is important. They believe in some kind of judgment upon evil; because obviously, if “good people” go to heaven, “bad people” don’t. Many people, then, are concerned about being good. However according to Romans one, all men suppress the truth, especially the ones who give reasons why they are not so bad. They usually compare themselves with Hitler to make themselves look better than they actually are. Why would a “good” God not allow them in heaven? They redefine the word “good,” upgrade his status and lower the standard God has for them. As long as you don’t act out the thoughts in your head you are in the clear. There is no question that their good works outweigh their bad or least I hope so. If you ask anyone on the street if they are a good person, 95% will say yes because man has a high view of himself. Surely if God sees how good we are as people and the things we do then He is obligated to let us enter Heaven’s gates. We as humans can always prove that we are right in the sight of God but is the Lord convinced? He looks at our thoughts, our motives and intentions and that is what will condemn us. And I have not even mentioned original sin and the guilt and corruption it carries.

    What is in the bucket comes up from the well. What a man thinks comes from the heart and the heart is desperately wicked. Murder, lusts, coveting, impure motives, are in the heart and soul of the person even though they may not act it out. Circumstances only reveal what is already there – in the heart. Even the Christian has to fight this everyday not to conform to this world but by renewing his mind through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    This week I have two friends go to be with the Lord and my cousin could be the third today if he hasn’t passed on last night. Each of them say they will go to heaven not because they are good but it is based on Christ’s forgiveness of their sins and His righteousness imputed to them. They had the right view of man and the right view of God.

  2. Ron, I'm sorry for your loss, but pleased with the confidence that these dears ones are (or will be) in a truly better place.

  3. The two friends were members of my church and not real close but my cousin has only a few hours left. You are correct heaven is always a better place.


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