Friday, July 11, 2014

Gender Assignment

The human race over millennia of existence has struggled over everything from "Is there life after death?" to "Is coffee good for you or bad for you?" There is hardly a single solitary topic on which there hasn't been disagreement. Religion, politics, land boundaries, sex, economics; you name it, we've disagreed about it. There are just a very few things on which we've agreed. Simple things like "You need food and water to survive" -- listening ... nope, no disagreements there -- or "Marriage is the union of a male and a female." Obviously that one isn't on the list anymore, only just added in the last couple of decades to the "we fight about everything" list.

One thing on which we have all been in agreement since the beginning of time is the simple, straightforward, undeniable fact that there is male and there is female. Birds do it. Bees do it. Every animal on the planet does it. Every single creature has male and female. The actual definitions may vary slightly, depending on your level of technology. In older times, the male was the one with the penis and the female ... not. And we knew that the male was the one who fertilized the female and the female the one that carried and delivered the children. This not tough stuff. Like the song from Annie Get Your Gun says, "My little baby brother, who's never read a book, Knows one sex from the other, All he had to do was look." Easy.

Or it was. Now that is also on the disagreement list. Christin Scarlett Milloy is a human rights activist, writer, and web developer based in Toronto, Canada. In a recent article in the Web magazine, Slate, she warned parents about an evil being perpetrated every day on newborns everywhere. What evil?
It's called infant gender assignment: When the doctor holds your child up to the harsh light of the delivery room, looks between its legs, and declares his opinion: It's a boy or a girl, based on nothing more than a cursory assessment of your offspring's genitals.
Oh, that evil! Wait ... what?

Yes, while every mother's child can tell one sex from the other, the new push of the intellectual elite is to make gender arbitrary. Sure, sure, they know the science as well as you do. They know that male bodies are different than females. They can read the studies that demonstrate that male and female brains are wired differently[1]. No one questions that a male has X and Y chromosomes and females have two X chromosomes. You don't have to trust the CSI shows to know that it's in the DNA. And there is a galaxy of genetic differences between men & women. (That's the title of the piece to which I linked, not simply my opinion.) Sure, sure, the facts are all there. But we've been lied to for so long and pushed so hard for so long to eliminate gender differences at all that we are on the verge of throwing out the last vestiges of sanity that even "little baby brother" can see in favor of making gender fluid and, thus, pointless. A father and a mother? Who cares? There's no difference. Patriarchy? How could anyone even consider it since there is no difference in genders? God the Father? Meaningless.

There are voices, growing in intensity, that think it is cruel to force your religion on your children. "Let them grow up without it and make their own choice!" "You know, I think it's child abuse to force religious beliefs on children." Now it's not religion. Now it's gender. They want your kids to be raised "gender neutral" with "gender fluid parenting practices." (I'm giving links to this stuff so you don't think I'm making it up or being alarmist or excessive.) Sweden has already added a gender neutral pronoun to its vocabulary "that can be applied to objects and people who don't wish to specifically identify as male or female." A natural next step, gender-neutral changing rooms already exist "in a local high school to avoid students being classified as male or female." In at least one school "Masculine and feminine references are taboo" ... at the kindergarten level. And last year California passed a law that allows "youth to use whatever bathroom and participate on whichever sports team they believe matches their gender identity."

Look, it doesn't take a super genius to see this. No matter what your little tyke may think he or she is, he will never birth a child and she will never father one. Sexual reassignment surgeries are a farce. They can externally mimic the opposite sex, but they can't be the opposite sex. Females who have surgery to appear male cannot produce sperm and males who choose to change their appearance to female don't have ovaries. It's nothing more than an elaborate costume. But our society has already bought the lie that youth are smarter than adults and swallowed the notion that parents should let their children do whatever they want, so guiding a little boy into manhood or a little girl into womanhood is now a meaningless concept.

And so are biblical concepts (which, by the way, include teaching males to be male and females to be female). "Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ" (1 Cor 11:3) is right out. "I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man" (1 Tim 2:12) is not only questionable, it is gone. Even among people who classify themselves as Bible-believing Christians. Serious Christians. And, of course, the Bible's concept of "God the Father" has got to go. It is my suspicion that this was at the heart of this attack all along. But, then, that's because I'm pretty sure that this is not the spawn of stupid people. It is the spawn of Satan. It's just that people are blinded by the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) and more than happy to walk "according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air", "indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind", "by nature children of wrath" (Eph 2:2-3). Discouraging? Yes. Surprising? No. After all, "God gave them over to a depraved mind" (Rom 1:28), so what should we expect? Bright sinners?


There is an interesting article from a personal perspective on the topic of "gender identity" that is worth the read.


  1. This is an awesome post. It describes what I think is a major problem with the more...uh..."progressive" among us. They don't want to deal with reality, but insist on trying to create their own reality, and then force it upon everyone else. Assuming for a moment that no one had any problems with the goals of this practice, the practice itself is fraught with nasty consequences. What rational, mature adult really believes that ignoring reality in favor of a personally preferred alternative can work out well? Imagine insisting that fire won't burn. How can anyone make that true? How can anyone insist there won't be some scorched body parts in accepting that premise? Yet, that sort of insanity is extremely common to one level or another within the center-left population. I think it is a major distinction between left and right.

  2. I'm amazed, also, that people think somehow "We need to let children do/think/believe whatever they want to believe." "Oh, Johnny, you think you're a Joanie? Well, if you think so, okay." Why not, "Oh, Billy, you think you are a car? Well, if you think so, have fun playing on the freeway."?


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