Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day, 2014

When I was first examining in biblical depth the topic of God's Sovereignty, I was struck with its absolute nature. "Given the Scripture's clarity," I said to myself, "then I can only conclude that our current president was God's ultimate plan." I mulled that over. It wasn't easy. But, given the Bible texts, I was forced to agree. "Given the Scriptures," I continued, "then I can only conclude that Hitler was God's plan." That one stuck worse. I don't know ... that's ... I don't ... but, if the Bible claims "there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God" (Rom 13:1), then I can only end up ... gulp! ... agreeing. Not as clear. Not as easy to swallow. But, it must be. Finally, "Given the Scriptures, then I can only conclude that God's best choice to be the father of my children was ... me." Oh, no! Now you've gone too far! Ridiculous! Seriously, I found it easier to agree with the Bible on Hitler than on me as father of my kids.

You see, I know good fathers. I know my dad. Great father. Growing up, he lived Christ in front of me. While other dads were teaching their kids to play baseball or fix cars, my dad was taking me with him to witness to people on skid row. Other dads wanted to make sure you learned the rules of football; my dad was making sure I memorized Scripture. Other fathers demonstrated their fathering skills by holding too tight; mine did it be letting go and being there when I fell. Now in his 80's, I still know my dad is there as a living example of "Christian", a genuine "good father" still at hand.

I have a great father, but I know a better one. I know our Heavenly Father. That's, actually, not so easy to contemplate. I mean, we get "King of Kings" or "Master" or "Creator" and the like, but ... Father? But that's a biblical description In terms of the authority of a father, He is the ultimate and perfect authority. Human fathers make poor decisions. He doesn't. Oh, let's see. What else do we know about the Father?
"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him" (Matt 6:8).

"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" (Matt 7:11).

"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out" (John 6:37).

"In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father" (John 16:26-27).
Just a smattering. Just a taste. Just a peek at ... the perfect Father. He shapes us to be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom 8:29). He gives us what we need (Matt 6:32; 7:11). He brings us to salvation (John 6:37). He is the perfect Father.

I guess, to the extent that I see my heavenly Father in my father is the extent to which I recognize him as a good father. And I do. And, I suppose, that's the reason why I balk at the idea that I would be considered God's choice as father to my kids. Well, I suppose some families need a trial to shape them the way God wants. Maybe. But I sure got a good dad.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers.


  1. @Stan, happy Father's Day to you (and to all of your readership) :-)

  2. You have been, and are, a great father. You haven always been there to comfort and to teach, to love and to discipline. You taught two young men to love God and serve Him. I have seen a smattering of other father's in my time, and I couldn't ask for a better. I know the Bible says to not think too highly of one's self, but it also says to not think too lowly also. Thank you for being a great father whom I love and respect. I even loved and respected you through my teenage years, so that's got to count for something :)


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