Saturday, May 03, 2014

Universal Happiness

Love and bunnies, everyone. Kittens. Baby seals. Oh, let's not forget unicorns. Giving to the poor. Helping a friend. Or a stranger. A hug all 'round. A warm smile. A contented sigh.

I get so many complaints about writing about stuff with which people disagree (you know, like "The Bible says ____, so we ought to pay attention") that I thought I'd try my hand at not doing that. Telling people why I say what I say and even explaining how the motivation is from genuine concern, not self-interest or narrow-mindedness, doesn't seem to help. I'm still labeled as a hater, a bigot, where the homosexual is my enemy and all those darn liberals ought to be shot. So here's something no one should complain about. Let's step back for a moment and see. Nope, nothing particularly controversial there. All good things. I can't imagine anyone getting upset about that. Of course, I also can't imagine anyone being edified, challenged, improved ...

Well, at least I've avoided further bloodshed, right?


  1. I so wanted to leave a sarcastic comment because of all the fluff.

  2. Sarcasm would have been fine, given: 1) the entire post (well, almost the entire post) was sarcastic, and 2) those that get it will only be people like you who probably don't need it.

  3. You got some kinda problem with puppies, dude? I didn't see you mention them. What's up with that? Now I'm hacked!

  4. Funny, Marshall, and kinda illustrates the problem, doesn't it? It's impossible to please everyone. I figure it's best with being helpful rather than "pleasing".

    Oh, and you can keep your puppies.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?