Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Burning Babies for Warmth

Did you see this? The headline reads, "Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals". How does that work? Well, they had a bunch of aborted babies (legally) and they were viewed as medical waste (legally) so they told the mothers that they would take "great care over foetal remains" and that they had been cremated and that was that. Of course, there is an outcry.
"This practice is totally unacceptable," said Dr Poulter.

Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director, has written to all NHS trusts to tell them the practice must stop.

"This breaches our standard on respecting and involving people who use services ..."
Well, of course, I'm baffled (once again). The article refers to these fetuses (American spelling, not British) as "aborted babies", but I thought we were all clear that they aren't babies, but simply human tissue with no humanity about them and, thus, not protected ... unless, of course, the mother wants it and then it is endowed with "person" status. This article refers to these women who aborted their babies as "mothers", but "mother" requires "a woman who has a child" and all these women had were fetal tissue, so they can't, at least by virtue of the tissue removed and burned in this case, be called "mothers". And if we're just talking fetal tissue, why shouldn't they incinerate it along with any other human tissue removed in the hospital? If the doctors, for instance, removed a gangrenous leg, would they be required to undergo some special treatment, some "great care over the dead leg remains"? Is there something different about the fetal tissue?

And, of course, I think the answer is abundantly clear. I think that inside we all know that we're not talking about "fetal tissue", but babies. We're not talking about mere tissue masses removed in a medical procedure, but actual humans executed on the mother's orders and carried out by doctors. These are babies; these are mothers. This is outrageous. And not just because the hospitals are burning them.


  1. I'm always amused when things like this incident demonstrate that liberals can't live their worldview. They teach that abortion is ridding the body of a "clump of cells" or any range of descriptions which obfuscate what it really is - a developing child. And yet they think it's a terrible thing to use the remains for fuel. Tsk, tsk.

  2. Yes, indeed! It's called "cognitive dissonance". It is the mental discomfort that occurs when you hold as true two (or more) conflicting viewpoints. Unfortunately, they don't seem to notice. I don't know ... something about a "deceitful heart" and "desperately wicked" or something like that.

    It is clear, however, that the truth about the human-being status of a fetus is abundantly clear as long as they're not trying to find some way to make their sin easier.


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