Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Michele Bachmann is in trouble. She claimed gays are bullies. Okay, not quite. But that's how the media is playing it. She said, "I think the thing that is getting a little tiresome, the gay community, they have so bullied the American people, and they've so intimidated politicians. The politicians fear them, so that they think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere." She was talking about Governor Brewer's veto of SB 1062.

Gay YouTube sensation Antoine Dodson sees it. "The gay community," he said, "we have went from being bullied to becoming bullies." Why would he say that? It was in response to calls to boycott Chick-fil-A after the Dan Cathy interview. Sweet Cakes By Melissa was forced to close its doors because of "militant homosexual activists." You remember that place. They were unwilling to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. End of business. Christian rapper, Mark Felder, known as Bizzle, wrote a response to Macklemore's anthem for homosexuals called "Same Love" and was treated to death threats from the LGBT community. Jon Stewart invited Dr. Daniel Heimbach onto his show to talk about the upcoming vote in North Carolina over Amendment 1 that would amend the state constitution to include a definition of marriage (man and woman). Dr. Heimbach is the Senior Professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. His answers in defense of the longstanding, historical definition of marriage earned him ridicule from Stewart and death threats from the gay community. Remember Elaine Huguenin, the photographer sued for not accepting a photography job for a lesbian couple's ceremony? She was branded homophobic and an anti-gay bigot, required to pay $6637.94 and is still dealing with courts.

ABC labeled Bachmann's comments "controversial". What do you suppose the Internet comments on the story look like? I'm pretty sure they aren't respectfully disagreeing. I know they haven't been on the the ones I've seen. But, hey, don't worry. We can all rest assured that there is no truth in the suggestion that the LGBT community has bullied those who voice opposing opinions. Well, at least those of us who don't get caught doing it.


  1. It's ironic that the writer of the BostInno article claimed Stewart "Got 'em," when his response to Heimbach was a sloppy ad hominem. A little less ironic is the writer's insertion of an ad hominem in his description of Heimbach.

  2. I suppose if they don't have good rational arguments, adhominems and other logical fallacies work as well. After all, "common sense" isn't anymore, is it?


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