Saturday, February 22, 2014


In January Maine's highest court ruled that children could no longer feel safe in their public bathrooms because any gender that feels like they want to can use any bathroom they want to.

It's not, of course, like this is something new, because California ruled the same thing back in July mandated the same thing. Gender is how you feel. Sorry, kids, if that makes you uncomfortable, scared, or traumatized. Get over it.

In truth, it probably won't be as big of a deal as we might think, since they're now training your children to exactly this end to the elementary school level. Which shouldn't be a problem since voices are already urging the end of the institution of marriage and the Freedom From Religion Foundation is seeking to remove religion from the public square, so all that "marriage" and "morality" stuff shouldn't be much of a problem much longer.

And then I read:
"Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!" (Matt 18:7).
Need I say more?

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