Thursday, February 13, 2014

National Marriage Week

It's National Marriage Week. Did you know that? Okay, to be fair, it's National Marriage Week from February 7th to 14th every year to this organization. Their aim is to strengthen marriages, reduce divorce, and obtain the attendant benefits of decreased poverty, better children, and so on. And this one is part of Marriage Week International, an international group aiming to be in 75 countries by 2021. It is primarily a Christian organization encouraging churches to be involved, aiming at Bible study and campaigns like the movie, Fireproof. Good stuff.

I have to wonder, though. Jesus said, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8). I have to wonder if, when Christians get around to really facing the problems of marriage in America such as the failure of husbands to shepherd, to love, to live in an understanding way with their wives and the failure of wives to submit and to respect their husbands and the failure of husband and wife to honor the marriage bed, to remain faithful to their vows and each other and the failure of fathers to discipline and teach their children and the failure of the church to pray and move on the catastrophic, meteoric rise of the counter concept of "gay marriage" ... when they get to 2021, will they find marriage on the earth?

I just wonder.

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