Friday, February 07, 2014

Inflammatory Rhetoric

You see? This is what I am talking about when I talk about inflammatory rhetoric. Here's the headline:

Pat Robertson: Ken Ham Needs to Stop Interpreting Bible Literally

And here's the truth. Pat Robertson apparently disagreed with Ken Ham's arguments with Bill Nye regarding the age of the earth. Without even trying to defend Robertson's viewpoint, what he really said according to the article was "that Ham was using incorrect information from Bishop James Ussher, who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries, and based his creation date on his 'knowledge of the Bible, the ancient Persian, Greek, and Roman civilizations, astronomy, ancient calendars, and chronology'." Whether or not Robertson is correct, what he did not say was "Stop interpreting the Bible literally." What he said was that the Bible doesn't give an age of the earth so don't make it a matter of biblical arguments. If we were to be most accurate, Robertson told Ham to not add to the Bible. Nothing about taking it literally. Perhaps it could be argued that he told Ham to take it more literally. And clearly Robertson is not a Young-Earth Creationist. But he did not tell Ken Ham to stop interpreting the Bible literally despite the headline claim that he did

Inflammatory rhetoric. Nothing more.

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