Monday, February 24, 2014

Alternative Lifestyle

"Alternative lifestyle". The know-it-all Wikipedia says that it is "a lifestyle diverse in respect to mainstream ones, or generally perceived to be outside the cultural norm." Included in their list of examples are things like nudism, living in communes, homebirths, homeschooling, non-typical sexual lifestyle, such as homosexuality, bisexuality, or BDSM, alternative medicine, and Eastern religion "as opposed to Monotheism or Judeo-Christian belief systems". Yeah, I think we understand that.

Have you seen this? Apparently a 23-year-old with a wife and a child who is not normal. It appears that a skier who "is mature far beyond his years" is living an "alternative lifestyle". "He also attends church regularly and says he could see himself becoming a pastor a little later down the road." What a freak! "First and foremost I have to be a good husband and father." I'm not at all sure he should have been allowed to compete with these outlandish ideas. "While the rest of his competitors are hanging with their friends, traveling the world searching for endless winter, hitting the party scenes accustom to their action sports lifestyles, Wise is hurrying home for quality time with the family."

Hopefully we have arrived at the end of the redefinitions when what should be normal, healthy, commendable, and emulated is now classified as an "alternative lifestyle". If we are not redefining the term, then I guess it says a lot about our society and our nation when a married man who loves his wife and child, attends church, and doesn't hang out with friends hitting the party scenes is an "alternative lifestyle". Is it our position that maturity and responsibility and integrity are "outside the cultural norm"? When maturity and quiet faith is "alternative", we're in real trouble.


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