Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Is it?

Why is it that a father who has sex with a woman not his wife would likely do harm to the guy who tried to do the same with his daughter?

Why is it that a Christian celebrity that claims in an interview that the Bible says that homosexual behavior is a sin is fired, but the leader of the biggest segment of modern Christendom is named man of the year by Time magazine?1

Why is it that roving gangs of black men who are assaulting random white people in what has been deemed "the knockout game" are rarely arrested or named, but the one white guy that does it is arrested and charged with a hate crime?2

Why is it that we medicate kids for attention-deficit problems but encourage it in everyone else with our media, our "smartphones", our soundbites, our "tweets", our "tldr"3, in our standardization of "immediate fun now and really, really quick"?

Why is it that Christians need to be more tolerant and of other people's beliefs but no one else needs to be more tolerant of Christians?

Why is it that those who argue for "new things" like Dispensational Premillenialism (mid 1800's), Pentecostalism (1906)4, Open Theism (1994), or the morality of homosexuality and "same-sex marriage" (2000) see no conflict with Jesus's claim that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth? Did He really fail that badly?

Why is it that Christians who argue against atheists who say that Christians pick and choose what Bible verses they will follow are far too likely to not be reading their Bibles?

1 Could it be that the one who stood by the Scriptures is offensive while the one that appears to be waffling about it all is not?

2 This is not a suggestion that it is wrong to arrest the white guy and charge him with a hate crime. It is a suggestion that it is wrong to fail to do so in the other cases.

3 Too Long, Didn't Read ... or is it possible that the sentence was too long and you didn't read it?

4 While Pentecostals will likely tell you it started back at Pentecost, the doctrines and beliefs of Pentecostalism didn't take shape until 1906 at the Azusa Street Revival. Starting at that small point, Pentecostalism with its second wave, the Charismatics, and its new "third wave" in such things as the Vineyard movement, they now hold an estimated 1.1 billion adherents, including Roman Catholics, and are the largest influence in African Christianity. (Unfortunately, their influence there is often more satanic than Christian. I mean, seriously, how does a "health and wealth" preacher get by in Africa?)


  1. Why? Because it is an upside down world.

  2. I'm convinced that sin rots the brain (Jer 17:9; Rom 1:28) (which, by the way, means that all of us suffer from it to some degree or another). The more we indulge sin, I think, the more upside down we get.


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