Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Address

Christmas and politics makes strange bedfellows.

In September of 2012 the Democratic Party was on the verge of eliminating God from their platform. Of course, the public outcry was too loud, so they recanted, but no one is really fooled. And when they voted to put God back in, delegates booed. Well, in truth, they booed the vote procedure, but this doesn't quite get them off the hook, does it? I mean, they were protesting that the votes weren't what they thought they should be because the vote to reinstate God was approved. So, in the end, it's the same thing. It's not really fair to suggest that God and the Democrats don't mix, but it does seem like a reasonable question sometimes.

It has not always been thus. It seems really odd to realize that a Democrat gave this Christmas Eve address in 1950. Wouldn't fly today, would it? Probably not from either party. Such a shame. So, on Christmas Eve, it's a real pleasure to get this kind of thing from the White House, even if it is from a Democrat in 1950.

May you all enjoy a blessed celebration of the Christ child.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That was good. Thank you. Our country has changed so very much.

    A most merry Christmas to you and your family, Stan.


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