Friday, August 30, 2013

Is it a sin to be gay?

There are two sides lined up on this issue about sin and homosexuality. One side will assure us that it is no sin and, obviously, the other will say it is. (Where do I come up with these keen insights?) The "it's not a sin" side will argue from a variety of vantage points. It's not a sin because you can't trust the Bible. It's not a sin because the Bible only lists it in six places and that's not enough. It's not a sin because that's an old view and we're much more enlightened now. And there will be variations that generally say the same things. "They're born that way so how can it be a sin?" This requires that the Bible isn't to be trusted when it says otherwise. "You don't understand what the Bible means when it says what it says." This requires that the entire history of the Church had an "old view" and we're enlightened now. You get the idea.

As it turns out, I'm not even wading into that fray yet. You see, I'm aware at the outset that in order to answer that question without qualification I'm required to give in to certain basic claims that I'm not ready to surrender. In fact, the latest translation of the Bible, the ESV, had to modify certain texts to account for this discrepancy. In 1 Cor 6:9 the New American Standard Bible refers to "homosexuals". Not the ESV. That one translates it "men who practice homosexuality". Key difference. You see, in order to answer the question of whether or not it is a sin to be gay, I'd have to admit that there is a category of human beings that are defined and classified as "homosexual", "gay" in the vernacular. And I'm not ready to admit to that. It is that classification that causes me difficulty in answering the question.

The Bible indicates that we are born sinners (Psa 51:5). That is, it's part of the basic nature of the human being. We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners. Would you say, then, that it is a sin to be a sinner? I wouldn't. That would be nonsensical. It isn't a sin to be a sinner; it's a sin to sin. And "sin" has a biblical definition. It is a violation of God's law (1 John 3:4). "Sin" requires a standard to meet and the transgression of that standard. So sin is not a state of being, but an action or failure to act that violates a standard. In the cases that we care about, the standard is God's standard. Thus, sin is a failure to meet God's standards. It is not a state of being.

It is like the problem of temptation. Temptation is not sin. Hebrews tells us that Jesus was tempted as we are (Heb 4:15) -- tempted, "yet without sin". So the temptation itself is not the sin. James tells us that "Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death" (James 1:14-15). Temptation is not sin. Desire is not yet sin. Sin occurs when temptation draws out desire and desire gives birth to sin. Sin is the result of temptation and desire, but temptation and desire are not sin.

So we're back at the original question. Is it a sin to be gay? First, I'm not at all sure I believe in a category of person who is defined by his or her lust. I don't have any real reason to believe that there are those born with a particular sexual desire that is classified as an "orientation". I am not convinced that there is such a thing as "gay". So I'd have a really difficult time in claiming that a category I'm not sure exists is certainly a sin. But, surrendering that point, if such a category exists and if such a person is defined by this category of sexual desire, I'd have to say that sin is defined by choices, not by temptations or desires. You can choose to violate God's standard or you can choose not to comply with God's standard (sins of commission and omission), but you can't be sin. So if there really is such a thing as "gay" as a definition of a state of being, it cannot be classified as "sin" because no state of being is classified as a violation of God's standard. Only choices to violate that standard are classified as sin.

Of course, I'm still left with that nagging question at the end of the day, aren't I? "So," some might suggest, "you're saying that it's okay to perform homosexual acts?" Ah, there, now you've given me something to work with. Acts are always choices. You can choose to act or not act on a temptation or desire. Choosing to act on the temptation or desire to engage in homosexual behavior is clearly and repeatedly stated throughout Scripture to be an act of sin. Of that there is no doubt. "Gay"? Potentially a state of being that cannot be classified as sin. Performing acts of homosexual behavior? Clearly sin. But don't mix the two up, because they are not the same. The former would be a state of being and the latter is a choice every time ... whether or not you are "gay".


  1. Stan,
    I have been saying this for years and years. "Homosexual" is not a noun; it is descriptive of a desire or behavior. No one should identify themselves by their desires and behavior, but that is exactly what "homosexuals" do. That way they claim victim status.

    It was a long process to get to that point, but it was the point they needed to get their agenda rolling to the point of societal approval for their acts.

    No, it isn't a sin to be tempted. The sin is when you act on that temptation.

  2. I heard today that the IRS is going to treat gays who are married as regular married people (in terms of taxes) and I was thinking "No such thing. There is no such thing as 'gay' except by behavior and there is no such thing as 'marriage' for two people of the same sex."

    And isn't it interesting that, after this long campaign of changing perceptions from "You choose what you do" to "We're born that way", they're now moving back to "but you choose what you do and you choose what you are"?

  3. I also saw that news today. This country is truly upside-down.

  4. Colossians 3:5 tells us that even thinking such thoughts is spitting in the Lord's face.


  5. Actually, Col 3:5 says, "Consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry." I note that 1) there is nothing about "thinking those thoughts", 2) "spitting in the Lord's face", or even homosexual behavior at all. The list includes various things, but nothing explicitly sexual in nature.

    Further, consider this. If we are to "consider the members of your earthly body as dead to" something, that something would need to be present. Someone, for instance, without the slightest tendency to "evil desire" does not need to be told to consider his body dead to it. Pointless command.

    Last thought. If you can find for me a single, solitary genuine Christian who never has a thought of "immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed" -- never "spits in the Lord's face" in that way -- please let me know. I have yet to find such a person.

  6. This post reminds me of the need to qualify the statement "homosexuality is wrong". We are often made to waste time differentiating between the state of being and the act one in that state might perpetrate. I think they do this on purpose to wear us out. I'd wager close to three dollars that even Fred Phelps would cop to the notion that it is really the behavior God hates, not the people who engage in that behavior.

  7. I was tracking with you right up to the Fred Phelps comment. I'm not at all sure what Phelps would say, since I'm not at all sure that Phelps is sane.

  8. That's why it's a wager and why I'd only go as high as three dollars. Sounds like you'd take that bet.


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