Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Disagreeing Disagreeably

  • Stupid
  • Immature
  • Selfish
  • Arrogant
  • Immoral
  • Whiny
  • Pathetic
  • Fundamentalist
  • Extremist

Welcome to the most recent set of descriptives offered regarding various Christian views. Well, a short list at least. (I won't print some of the more "colorful" terms.) These carefully honed "arguments" suggest that anyone who has these despised Christian views does not deserve to speak. By presenting these fine invectives without substantiation, support, evidence, or rationale it can be demonstrated that people who hold these views are, well, wrong. End of discussion.

Interestingly, it seems as if this type of response is often offered 1) without additional argumentation or evidence to support an alternative view and 2) comes from those who complain that people who do hold these Christian views are "mean-spirited" and "contentious". (Said with the '70's hippy voice) "Embrace grace, man!"

I would suggest that this kind of argument is not only a logical fallacy (ad hominem abusive), but not particularly helpful in discussions or dialogs. It is likely to terminate debate, but that doesn't prove anything, does it?

I really appreciated a conversation with someone recently in which we disagreed. He said, "You're wrong and here's why." I responded, "Well, I think I'm right and here's where I disagree with your arguments." We went back and for several times and, in the end, he had what I would consider to be a great response.
This last post of yours makes more sense to me. It's not one that I believe most Christians would be confortable with (which is why, as you pointed out, most will stick with the all-loving version of God), but I think as a part of a general morality/justice/etc it is at least cohesive; not contradictory as I had thought. Thanks for clarifying.
No, he didn't agree with me. No, I didn't sway him. But he had sufficient character to recognize that I wasn't stupid, immature, selfish, arrogant, immoral, or any of the rest. He just didn't agree. I appreciated that.

I've disagreed with people. (What a shock, eh?) I prefer the soft answer that turns away wrath, but I've disagreed strongly with people at times. But I'd much rather avoid character assassination. I've never suggested retaliation let alone carried it out, as have many detractors of those who agree with me. I've suggested that certain behaviors are sin, but I've never threatened those who do it, unlike many who have offered death threats to those who hold my view. This is disagreeable disagreement, unbecoming a human let alone one who calls him or herself a Christian.

Can't we all just get along? No, I suppose not. But I'm willing to discuss rationally and biblically and to disagree agreeably. Does that make me stupid or just arrogant?

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