Saturday, April 20, 2013

That'll Fix It!

In view of the atrocities at Sandy Hook, Tucson, Columbine, the Colorado theater, and all, we need to seriously consider gun control. According to the Washington Post, the United States has 20 times the gun-related murder rates as other developed countries. A CDC study puts us at about 33,000 gun-related deaths (murders, accidents, suicides, etc.) per year.

According to the CDC, in 2010 the leading cause of death in the U.S. was heart disease, accounting for 597,689 fatalities. Oh, wait, that's about 18 times the gun-related deaths.

According to the Washington Post the abortion rate has hit an "all-time low" (which seems really weird since I'm pretty sure it was a lot lower when abortion was illegal1) at only about 784,507 dead babies in 2009 (the latest data). Oh, hold on! That's a third again higher than the heart disease problem.

Clearly we need to focus on better gun control.

I think I better think it out again.

"Well," some might suggest, "you fix what you can." Maybe.

The leading causes of heart disease are the use of tobacco and alcohol and then poor diet and exercise. Really strange. Nothing in the constitution guarantees my right to tobacco and alcohol or fatty foods and laziness. On the other hand, the Constitution (well, the Bill of Rights) does guarantee our right to bear arms. And the right to life is part of the basic fundamental human rights upon which this country was founded.

So, let's see, thinking rationally, in order to solve the problem of too many deaths the best option would be to stop the largest number of deaths by outlawing the murder of unborn babies because life is a human right and killing babies is the leading cause of death in the United States. The next option would be to outlaw those things that have the greatest impact on heart disease such as tobacco, alcohol, and bad foods because these are the second leading cause of death and there is no Constitutional guarantee to be able to smoke and drink and eat what you want.

So, tell me again, how did we get down to "gun control", a dubious fix at best, being the big issue?
1 While it is impossible to get a real number of abortions per year prior to Roe v. Wade (because they were primarily illegal and, therefore, not reported), the best estimates put them at somewhere between 60,000 and 200,000. No matter how you do the math, at the most 200,000 is significantly less than 800,000 and dramatically less than the 1.2 million that was the number prior to the last few years.


  1. The only reason I can see that gun control is such a hot button right now is because even though there are many more things that kill more and more frequently, gun deaths are the most jarring and often times heart wrenching. Nobody is reporting on how many abortions go on, they don't gather round abortion clinics; they do come streaming in droves to mass shootings. So who's going to get the most heart strings pulled, the unknown, unwanted, unborn, or the children in schools, or civilians in theaters? Based on media portrayal, which is the more "tragic" cause of death?

  2. According to the media, it would seem, the value of life is determined by how visible and heart-wrenching it is.

  3. Stefan van der Borght4/21/2013 11:29 AM

    GC is on the agenda now because The Lord has a timetable. The AC (the pseudo, instead-of Christ) is alive and has an appointment. Clock is ticking. To get to that requires global disarmament so that people can say "peace and safety!" and "who can make war against him!". Also, it's hard to say no to the mark of the foodstamp (oops, mark of the beast) when you no longer have a little iron persuader to help reinforce "NO". Part of the leadup to that is bringing the USA down, and that means de-gunning the remaining somewhat moral folks. Also, the Chinese want their resources, and you're in the way.

  4. It is kind of the same thing that protestors do outside of Planned Parenthood or abortion clinics, they show heart-wrenching images of aborted fetuses. They call on the emotion over this lose of human life, they just aren't shown nationwide like mass shootings. You'll only get to see them if you drive by where they are, and only then if you take the 3 seconds you have passing them to look.

  5. Images and language is being controlled. The tragedy and drama of shootings at a school or innocents killed in Boston -- good. Photos of aborted babies -- bad, offensive, outrageous. "Abortion" -- good. "Infanticide" -- bad, offensive, outrageous.


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