Thursday, April 18, 2013

Read it and weep

I've said this kind of stuff in the past. I'm not alone. And it's not "anti-gay haters" that are saying it. If you think that redefining marriage to the new version will simply provide "marriage equity" and have no effect on you, you have another think coming. In fact, they're hoping you're wrong.


  1. It is interesting how fast they've changed their tune. Just last year during the time that Republican Presidential contenders were traveling about the country, one of them warned that allowing "gay marriage" would lead to allowing other forms of "marriage", and the people booed him saying he was being alarmist and avoiding the question. And here we are, not even a year later, and they are saying the exact thing we were saying a year ago.

  2. I'm not sure it's a changed tune. I just think most people aren't paying attention.

  3. Multiple spouses has always been part of the equation, as well as legalizing "inter-generational" sex.

  4. Maybe, Glenn, but the face of the movement keeps denying it. "No! We want 'marriage equity' for a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman. We are opposed to all that other stuff!" But ... it ain't necessarily so, is it?


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