Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Justice Delayed

Arizona is in the news these days for its trial of Jodi Arias, the poor young lady who shacked up with her boyfriend, engaged in all sorts of sexual practices she said she enjoyed, admitted that she could have left at any time, but feared in the end for her life and, in a fit of self-defense, accidentally shot him in the head and then stabbed him 27 times and cut his throat. Whew! Safe at last! It's a nasty story and I don't know how anyone following can come to any conclusion except guilty, but it is indeed a story that is being followed. Regularly. Unlike some less interesting stories like the boring case of Kermit Gosnell who killed babies and endangered women. Yes, abortions, but also live-birth babies. Apparently in the hundreds. And women. At least two. No, that kind of stuff is supported by the president and the more popular pro-abortion culture, so that's boring. Nothing to see here. Move along. This Jodi Arias case ... now that is high drama. That and what Justin Beiber is writing at the Anne Frank House. Lots of coverage.

I was interested the other day when I heard that Jodi's attorneys have filed a new petition. They want to let the jury consider a lesser charge. Manslaughter. Let the jury consider the possibility that she killed her boyfriend without malice aforethought. She just happened to shoot him, stab him repeatedly, and cut his throat. It just ... happened. All the planning, all the effort, all the work that went into it was just an illusion. You know, like when you see design in the world around you and think, "What makes the most sense is that there is some intelligence behind it." Yeah, like that. If the jury found her guilty of manslaughter, it would be, at most, a 7 year sentence, they said. And, they followed up, she has already been in prison for nearly 5 years awaiting trial.

Wait ... what? Five years ... awaiting trial??

William E. Gladstone said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." True. Solomon wrote, "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil" (Ecc 8:11). Solomon was right, but his is more ominous.

And, as a side note, I find it interesting that Solomon did not say, "Because the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil, the best thing to do is gather the implements of crime ... you know, such as guns and such ... and get rid of them because that will fix the problem -- the heard of man."


  1. I don't watch TV, well almost never. Therefore I have no idea what Jodi Arias looks like, but I do know the news media... which is why I don't watch it. I have heard some reports on the radio news, which of course gets its information from the same sources, and culls the same stories, as the tv media does. So perhaps you can help me. My assumption has been that Miss Arias is a looker. Am I right? I honestly don't know what she looks like. But I do know if Jodi weighed about 400 lbs, had only three teeth remaining in her head and lived in government housing, no one would care that she killed her boy friend, or her baby for that matter; at least not enough to cause the media to report on it like it was "the days of our lives".

  2. Jodi would be considered an attractive female. In the pictures taken with her and her boyfriend, she is quite attractive. In court, she has worked to make herself look more innocent and plain.

    In all honesty I cannot begin to fathom why this case has the moment-by-moment attention of the national news.


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