Tuesday, April 02, 2013

In So Many Ways

So, I'm walking through the lobby of the building and my eyes drift across a television, sound off, showing news. The headline reads, "Pregnant man denied divorce." And I thought, "That is so wrong in so many ways!"

You've probably already heard the story. But I was deconstructing the headline. First, "denied divorce" doesn't compute in today's world. Who gets denied a divorce? How is that even possible? We live in a no-fault divorce world. How can you not be allowed a divorce. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wait ... "pregnant man"? Okay, hold on. What in the world?

In the musical, Annie Get Your Gun, Annie Oakley sings the song, "Doin' What Comes Natur'lly". She tells us "My tiny baby brother, who's never read a book, knows one sex from the other; all he had to do was look." Sorry, Annie. Welcome to the new, improved, unnatural world. We now live in a world where a "man" can get pregnant. All you have to do is look? No more!

So, the poor "pregnant man" who was born a woman, decided she felt more like man, had a double mastectomy to be more like a man, got hitched in Hawaii where they don't really care what "marriage" means, and then got pregnant -- three times -- and now wants us to believe she's a man. She doesn't have the chromosomes for it. She doesn't have the genitalia for it. And she's been pregnant three times. But we're the narrow-minded ones who try to limit her to basic biology.

And then you examine the story a little deeper. She wants a divorce because she wants to marry another woman. Great! Gender confused, science challenged, and morally depraved as an unfaithful lover. Does it get any better than this? Well, I guess it does because she has been on national television with her girlfriend talking about getting pregnant again.

And why was she denied a divorce? (You know, the original question.) Well, she and her "spouse" moved to Arizona that has a law against "same-sex marriage" and now expect them to rule on a marriage they don't recognize as valid brought to divorce by a woman that doesn't think she's a woman for immoral reasons. And it is she who is outraged?

This is so wrong in so many ways. In fact, I can't think of a single thing right about it. And yet she will be championed as a poor, misunderstood "guy" who just wants "equity" as a "sexual minority". This is what we've come to.


  1. The next time someone calls me closed minded I think I might have to agree with them. There appears to perhaps be benefits... like sanity?

  2. I'm starting to think there are a lot of names they might apply to me that I ought to own. Closed minded. Backward thinking. Conservative. Prudish. I can almost even accept pharisaical now. I bet there are a lot more that really do fit.

    Yeah, I'm closed minded. That's because science, reason, thinking, sanity all require that certain impossibilities and inanities be excluded as "real".

  3. Boy howdy, I had not heard of this story until now. Those poor children...talk about a confusing upbringing. Kids should not be allowed to be brought up in homes like that - I mean, things will be hard enough as it is for them, but to not have a strong male...er, female....er, male....yeesh. See what I mean? That lady needs Christ!!!

  4. Yes, the children. It isn't far-fetched to wonder, "At what point does it arrive at the level of child abuse?" Like the parents who, convinced that one of a pair of twins believed himself to be a girl at the age of 18 months (contrary to modern science that suggests that gender identity doesn't really occur until the age of 3 years), decided to make him a girl. Now they're suing the school he's in because they want people with male chromosomes and male body parts not to use a public male bathroom. And I ask, again, at what point it arrives at the level of child abuse.

    The need for Christ obviously hasn't diminished. Nor has it increased. It's just getting clearer and clearer.


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