Saturday, April 13, 2013

If You Are a Christian ...

... you might be a threat to national security. (And this isn't the only place you'll hear it.)


  1. It would be difficult, in my opinion, to find anyone more conducive to national security than a truly devoted Christian.

    Do you think that perhaps there's a divide in our country?

  2. True.

    Reading about the Christians in the first 300 years in the Roman Empire, the Romans had a problem. They hated the Christians (called them "atheists"), but had difficulty getting rid of them because they were renowned for being well-mannered, obedient, model citizens (except, of course, when it came to idolatry).

  3. Of course, Marshall, that's assuming you're talking to someone that is level-headed and rational. Since when were anti-Christians level-headed and rational? And how long before their hatred of the Lord overpowers their "love for humanity".

  4. Translation, if you're not a liberal, you're a threat.


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