Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dividing by Zero

One of the judges on the Supreme Court commented on the case around California's Prop 8 that, while it is absolutely clear that inserting "same-sex" as a descriptor of "marriage" would necessarily require a change of definition of "marriage", the primary reason for this change of definition is that our culture is redefining gender. Now, I hadn't really considered this aspect. When I do, however, I'm pretty sure he's right.

We use two common words in this discussion: "sex" and "gender". What is the difference between them? One has to do with physiology and the other to do with characteristics. "Sex" (in this use) refers to male or female bodies. "Gender" refers to male and female characteristics. The first references genitalia and chromosomes and the latter references "masculine" and "feminine" traits.

We intrinsically know about these distinctions. If you refer to a boy as a "pansy", you're suggesting he's more feminine than masculine. You can routinely hear a father telling his son to "act like a man" or a buddy telling his friend to "man up". (Oddly, you never hear a mother tell her daughter to "woman up". I suppose you might have heard at one time that she needs to "act more lady-like", but I think that has more to do with manners than femininity. Maybe feminine manners?) At the same time we're told that men need to "get in touch with their feminine side". You see, we know there is "masculine" and "feminine" and we know what they mean. Like the judge who couldn't define pornography, "but I know it when I see it", we know these when we see them.

Our culture, however, has worked hard and long to counteract these distinctives. We've petitioned to have girls on boys' teams and argued that women can serve just as well in combat as men. We've carefully dismantled the concept of "father" to mean less and less and less until many are quite sure that "father" means purely "sperm donor" and no one actually needs a real father to be well adjusted and happy. Feminism -- at first just the "radical" and now the "mainstream" -- has worked hard to destroy the concept of gender roles and gender distinctives and our culture has bought it. It is the majority opinion now. Of course, "majority" doesn't make it right, moral, or even accurate, but it is the case today. Patriarchy, once a given and even venerated, is now a bad word. Gender is becoming more and more meaningless.

As current events have demonstrated, so is "sex". It is not uncommon to hear of someone who classifies him or herself as "a guy trapped in a woman's body" or vice versa.

"But," the rational mind would counter, "isn't 'woman' defined by the body?"

"Oh, no, we now know. It is a question of gender."

"But," the rationalist might venture to ask, "didn't we just negate the concept of 'gender'?"

Oops! "Well, no, not for those who feel like a woman trapped in a man's body." Like that makes some sense.

I heard the phrase the other day, "emotional intelligence". To be fair, the term does have a definition that makes sense. It is "the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups." Fine. But that's not what we think of when we think of that idea. We think of thinking with our feelings. Being more in touch with our inner selves in order to make more inspired decisions (rather than merely logical ones). Well, we're getting there, that's for sure. We have redefined sex -- "male" or "female" -- to mean "whatever I make my body out to be based on how I feel". We have redefined "gender" -- "masculine" or "feminine" -- to mean "whatever I want it to mean at the moment based on how I feel." And having carefully and insensibly defined both "sex" and "gender" into an emotional condition without any real concrete meaning, we're looking to offer the same "salvation" to "marriage". God save us from ourselves.


  1. Science demonstrates that sexual orientation and gender are not, factually speaking, "either/or" propositions, but rather, that they show up as a spectrum.

    Thus, scientifically speaking, there is a percentage of folk who are "entirely straight" and those who are "entirely gay" and others who are on the spectrum somewhere in between.

    Same for gender.

    We know this to be factual. We can see it in the real world and it is demonstrable and rational. If you're not familiar with the research, I could point you to some sources, but I'm guessing either that you're familiar or have the ability to look it up yourself.

    Now, we can deny real world facts and, to those who are physically male (or mostly male), but otherwise, lean towards female, we can tell them to "man up" and ignore these real world facts. We can shun them, tease them, mock them, fear them, destroy them for their innate being.

    OR, we can accept the real world facts and love them as they are, not expecting them to change their real world orientation/gender in order to please society, but accept them as our brothers and sisters as they are.

    We can call that which we don't know about "sin" and "unnatural" or we can grow in our knowledge of the real world.

    It's sort of how folk a long time ago used to just sort of accept that black folk were a lesser sort of human being, only 3/5 as human as white folk. They didn't do that to be mean or hateful or racist, even, it's just how they were raised.

    But they were mistaken.

    There's no sin in being mistaken, but there is sin/error in refusing to grow and learn and adapt. Ignorance is one thing, deliberately chosen ignorance is another.

    God gave us our reasoning for a reason.

    Publish or not. Something to consider.

  2. I was just thinking about that! We have a niece who is all over the place with gender nonsense. Says she's a lesbian, but has a girlfriend who is trying to "become a man." She's mortally offended if anyone isn't fully on board with the self-contradictory "there is no gender but I'm totally a man in a woman's body etc." nonsense. And, like many of these people, she has a very high IQ. As J. Budziszewski says, "Though it always comes as a surprise to intellectuals, there are some forms of stupidity that you must be highly intelligent and educated to commit."

  3. "God gave us our reasoning for a reason."

    It would appear that you've decided not to use it.

    The point of the post is that our culture has redefined "sex" to mean "whatever I make my body to be" rather than the standard XX/XY chromosome arrangement (which, oh, by the way, is not a "spectrum") and we've worked really, really hard to obliterate "gender" as having any real meaning at all ... except, of course, when we're trying to change the gender that suits our birth. That is, we've undercut all the definitions for sex and gender and then make claims regarding sex and gender that cannot be supported since we've undercut the definitions. A spectrum? Of what? We are no longer willing to accept the concepts of "masculine" and "feminine" because we understand them to be distinct from "male" and "female" and, therefore, no longer masculine or feminine, but simply human. I didn't reference "sexual orientation". You did. It didn't come up in the course of this post because it wasn't part of the thought process of this post.

    And, while I'm sure you won't, reason demands that you stop correlating "sexual orientation" to "race". They are not the same. They are not even similar. Claiming they are is not an argument.

    And when growing, learning, and adapting means taking the clear teachings of the Word of God and throwing them aside because they don't suit the tide of public opinion or the things I want to accept or endorse, calling on the reason that God provides is a dangerous thing. If God provides reason for a reason, it is not to discard His truth.

    (And I won't be discussing your other question on "The Bible doesn't say it's wrong to have a sex-change operation, so why would you think it was?" You should know better than that.)

  4. Trabue claims “science” makes the definitions he gives us, but really those come from secular psychology based on Freud’s teachings, which have no scientific basis behind them. So much for Trabue’s argument.

    The real world people are either male or female. While there are the rare, genetically-defected people with body parts from both, the fact that they are genetically -defective proves they are not the norm. The fact that real world is either male or female is what is truly demonstrable and rational. Just because people are propagandized to believe something different because of homosexualist activism to promote anything-goes sexuality, that doesn’t change the facts of people being either male or female.

    Lastly, Trabue resorts to comparing sexuality with skin color - the typical canard brought in by homosexualists. HELLO! Skin color is morally neutral. Sexual behavior is not morally neutral.

  5. "Sexual behavior is not morally neutral."

    The point that appears to be missed, isn't it?

    I'm fascinated by the "I'm a Christian and I favor redefining marriage to include same-sex" crowd who will not call the present sexual relationships of same-sex couples as sin even though there is no marriage. Sexual behavior is not morally neutral. And "because I want to" doesn't make it right.

  6. A quick Google search turned up nothing that would seem to qualify as a scientific study (repeatable, double blind, peer reviewed, etc.) that definitively states that gender is a continuum.

    But to quote Nigel Tufnel. "That's nitpicking innit?"

    Dan has proclaimed, that Science has proclaimed, and Reason has verified that this is the case. So really shouldn't that be enough for us to just accept and move on. Y'all are so darn picky.

  7. It's a funny thing, Craig. I've been thinking the same thing about the whole "same-sex marriage" debate. "You dirty rotten rightwingers are not using logic. Sure, you define marriage based on the entire history of mankind and demonstrate factually that historical marriage has always meant the same basic thing -- a man and a woman -- and you can even demonstrate how the Bible supports this view with texts and all, but our side disagrees, so, you're wrong. Point proven!"

  8. Stan,

    I even found a bunch of quotes from "biblical scholars" on the pro-gay side of things who freely admit that the Bile clearly states the homosexual sex is a sin, but they choose to support it anyway.

    In the same way, the vast percentage of the pro-marriage "equity" communication during last year's vote on the MN marriage amendment was either bases totally on an emotional appeal (wouldn't it be sad if your kids couldn't marry who they loved.) or misleading (marriage equity for all). There was almost zero "rational" reasoning. I suspect that the reason for this is that most who are either neutral or leaning against SSM intrinsically understand that the civil rights or race comparisons are flawed. It's so much easier to appeal to emotion, than to actually make a case.

    Interestingly enough, even though the amendment didn't pass the DFL controlled state govt will almost certainly be unable or unwilling to pass a law legalizing SSM during this session.

  9. Matt 19:4-6

    The Lord said it, that's sufficient...for anyone claiming to be His, that is. If you can't stomach it, then admit you're part of the lost world and stop trying to slime into something you wouldn't enjoy anyway. As for the secular gender benders, here's a candid admission about what this perversion-justification stunt you're pulling is really about:


    p.s. I don't hate you, but I hate what you do. The Lord however, might just hate you. The curse of sodomy would indicate that He does, since He inflicts that on those that hate Him. He has made all things, even the wicked for the day of wrath. Either repent, or lie in the bed you made. If I hated you, I'd keep silent and let you go on your path to hell unchallenged. Selah. Ok, now you can begin your persecution. Enjoy it while it lasts and make the most of it, yours will be a little longer & hotter.

  10. Let me ask it this way:

    It sounds like you all are saying, "I don't think it's reasonable or moral for men who are biologically men to feel like they are actually a woman. Since this is what it seems like to me, then that is the only possible moral and rational answer."

    Is that what you're saying or do you have something more substantive than "It seems like to me such men shouldn't think that way, therefore it's wrong..."?

  11. I wonder if Dan will admit that his "science" is actually psychology and that psychology isn't actually science.

  12. Dan, you missed the point. The point was that you can't obfuscate sex and gender and then talk about sex and gender like they mean something.

    "Since this is what it seems like to me, then that is the only possible moral and rational answer."

    Interesting invective. You would admit, then, that yours is not the only possible moral and rational answer and we could very well be right?

    The complaint they've offered about your comment is that you haven't offered a substantial argument.

  13. I'm surprised Dan think it sounds like I'm saying anything else except, "Just because Dan makes a pronouncement, doesn't make it true.".

    Maybe that's why it's so difficult to have a conversation with him.

  14. "It sounds like you all are saying, "I don't think it's reasonable or moral for men who are biologically men to feel like they are actually a woman..."

    Typical Dan Trabue-speak. Since what it "sounds like" to Dan doesn't in the least reflect anything that was stated, what "sounds like" to me is that Dan purposely re-frames an opinion so that it "sounds like" what he needs it to sound like in order for him to take what he falsely believes is the high moral ground. But I haven't seen anything that justifies the notion that anyone has expressed any opinion regarding the "reasonableness" or morality of a man feeling he is a woman.

    But I wonder if Dan would support someone who believes he's really a dog trapped in a man's body. Would Dan believe this person, too, is "living a lie" by not barking and chewing the furniture?


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?