Saturday, December 01, 2012


According to the CDC, the top causes of death in the United States in 2011 were:
Heart disease: 599,413
Cancer: 567,628
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 137,353
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,842
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 118,021
Alzheimer's disease: 79,003
Diabetes: 68,705
Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,692
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,935
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 36,909
According to The Guttmacher Institute, "In 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed." (This number is only for induced abortions. It does not (because it cannot) include the number of fertilized eggs aborted by means of abortifacients.) In that same year (2008), the CDC says that there were 4.2 million live births. Thus, for every four live births in 2008, one baby was killed in the womb ... that we can account for.

Doing the math, then, while the "leading cause of death" in America kills upwards of 600,000 people a year, the unnamed "leading cause of death" in America kills twice as many. Abortion kills more than heart disease and cancer combined. Oddly, the top 4 on the CDC's list are high priorty health issues. The actual leading cause of death is legally approved, heartily defended, and often referred to as a "women's health issue" to the exclusion of the death that is occurring.

It would be nearly impossible, in light of this, to consider America "pro-life". (And I don't mean that as a compliment.) Would it be fair, then, to characterize America as "a culture of death"? Maybe. You decide.


  1. To me, 1.21 million is just an overwhelming number. I knew abortion was rampant, but not that rampant. 1 in 4 known children are murdered mostly for a woman's convenience. And that was 2008. I imagine that number may be increased by now, along with the number of live births being decreased, might push it into the 1 in 3 range. And anyone that says abortion does no harm isn't taking into account the murder of the baby, and the extreme emotional harm inflicted on the woman. I've even heard of women who got an abortion and can now no longer have children at all. In a society that bases "good" on "harm", how can any thinking person think abortion is good?

  2. Actually, the abortion rates have dropped (a slight amount), but so have the birth rates (a slight amount). The ratio likely remains close to the same. One site says there have been 1.15 million last year and the preliminary CDC birth report for 2011 was at 3.95 million. So, let's say 4 to 1 ... still.


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