Sunday, November 25, 2012

One More Day

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened (Rom 1:21).
It appears that sinful humans have, at their core, a fundamental flaw. We suppress the truth (Rom 1:18). The result of this bottom-line error is that, although we know God, we do no honor Him as God or give thanks.

Failing to honor God and failing to give thanks -- two key elements in the downward spiral that is human sin. As a remedy for this, we have set aside one day a week to honor God as God and one day a year to give thanks. There. Problem solved. And I'm pretty sure you can see the inadequacy of our solution.

It's Sunday, a good day to honor God as God. Of course, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, in fact all of them are also good days to do just that. How would you go about doing so? Will you?

Thanksgiving was just this last week, a good day to give thanks. Of course, every day is a good day to give thanks. How about trying it today?

How about thanking God for that great job you have or the mediocre job you have or the lousy job you have or, if necessary, the lack of a job?

How about thanking God for excellent health, poor health, or anything in between?

How about thanking God for friends and family, those you have or don't have?

How about thanking God for being able to read, even if it happens to be this poor blog?

Whether strength or weakness, comfort or pain, ability or disability, pleasant or unpleasant, have or have not, we have very much to thank God for. Let's not limit it to one day. I don't plan to limit it to one lifetime.

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