Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting What You Bought

A majority of Americans reelected the most pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom president in history. Sometimes you get what you paid for. Americans wanted him. We got him. Be prepared. We can expect changes.

Look for a decrease in religious freedom, an assault on your right to bear arms (as well as the notion of national sovereignty), a decline of good doctors, a loss of jobs both from his reelection and from his "tax-the-rich" strategy, and higher energy prices (as if they weren't already high enough) ... as promised.

And this is just beginning. He's bringing the change he promised. I hope you like it.


  1. To quote Two To Tango, "You have made your gay little bed, and now you must sleep gayly in it."

  2. Ummm, okay ... but I don't know "Two to Tango" ... and you have to know (because I've written about it so many times) that your phrase there will be sorely misunderstood. :)

    To Dan whose comment I didn't post because it had no reason to be, FYI, I am not predicting doom and gloom. I am simply presenting the news items that are currently happening. It's not a prediction if it's current events. And the prediction part that is there ("He's bringing the change he promised"; "This is just the beginning.") is his, not mine.

  3. Again, Dan apparently on the attack. So divisive, ugh, I'm frustrated you have to endure that every time you post truth. Keep it up!

  4. My mistake, it was Three to Tango with Matthew Perry. The premise is, Perry is a straight guy interested in a girl who is a mistress to Perry's potential employer, and in order to get to know her, pretends to be homosexual. When things start becoming complicated, his friend says the previous quote when Perry comes to him for help.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?