Wednesday, November 07, 2012

America's Choice

Romney Concedes is splashed all over the place as President Obama wins a second term. Beyond Romney's loss, America loses. It loses in its fight for the lives of babies. It loses in its fight for the freedom of religion. It loses its weakening grasp on a workable or even logical economy. Marriage is on the way out by way of defining it into meaninglessness. It loses in this and more not because President Obama won, but because they voted him in.

The headline reads, "Minnesota voters reject marriage amendment." While 30 other states have just such an amendment, Minnesotan voters "opened the way for backers to push for legal same-sex marriages in Minnesota." Like someone told me in disgust after California's Prop 8 passed, "How would you feel if someone told you you couldn't marry who you wanted to?" The logic falls apart, of course, indicative of the whole problem. "How would you feel" is not the question to be asking, and "do what you feel" is not a good moral mandate.

There is a lot of what the president says and stands for with which I disagree to varying degrees. One thing I agree with him on wholeheartedly. America is not a Christian nation. "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people mourn" (Prov 29:2). And we Christians should remember that Americans have voted for the unrighteous leadership and positions. They weren't forced on us. We should rightly realize that we are not being the light in our world that we ought to be. And while the final judgment of humans is at last day, judgment of nations is temporal -- done in real time. There is no reason to expect continued mercy from God on a nation that has turned her back on Him.

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