Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unique Sovereignty

Anyone who has, for much time, read what I write knows where I stand on the Sovereignty of God. I capitalize the term "Sovereignty" because this sovereignty is in a category all its own. I use the word in a sense that exceeds our standard usage. We have "sovereigns". We understand "sovereign powers". In human existence, there are people who are "in charge" -- "sovereign". Their charge is limited, of course. Their powers are limited. Their domain is contained. And, let's face it, even within these limitations they are only just "sovereign". An absolute monarch of the realm, for instance, couldn't actually dictate all the actions of his subjects. He could try, but they would always be free to violate his commands. At best, they may disobey simply out of ignorance. Nor are we ourselves ultimately sovereign over ourselves. We do things that violate what we want. Maybe it's physical. I mean, when I suffer from heartburn, it's not because I choose to. Maybe it's feelings. I know each of us has feelings we don't want. And I've never met a Christian who is satisfied with his or her own Christianity. We want to be much more, but we are not absolutely sovereign even over ourselves, so we fall short.

God's Sovereignty, then, falls in a different category. It is His Sovereignty in which I rest, His genuine Sovereignty that gives me hope. In a world where our political choices are "bad" and "worse" (and don't kid yourself; they've always been thus), the comfort that God is, in all cases, ultimately Sovereign is comfort indeed. When terrorists strike or criminals accost or disease causes dis-ease, knowing that a good and powerful Sovereign is in charge is the only place to go for any real peace. Many try to strip off God's absolute Sovereignty. I won't go there myself.

The problem, of course, is that this kind of Sovereignty -- the one with the capital "S" -- doesn't exist elsewhere. What makes me think it exists in God? Here's what Paul said to Timothy. He told him
to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will display at the proper time -- He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, Whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen (1 Tim 6:14-16).
Do you see that? When it comes to Sovereignty, Paul says that there is only one. He is the "only Sovereign." We have heard of "the King of kings and Lord of lords", but often miss the impact. There is none higher. There is none other that is absolute. There is only one.

To Him, then, be honor and eternal dominion! Amen!

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