Thursday, July 05, 2012

Not in the News

According to The Washington Post, "Homosexuality has gained mainstream acceptance." Because of this the repeal in December of 2010 of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was a given. Except in the case of chaplains.

Interestingly, when the military integrated African Americans into the military, they got no resistance from chaplains. And when they incorporated women, again, no problems from chaplains. You see, then, a fundamental difference. Being black or female is not a matter of morality. Not the case with homosexuality. So while chaplains were required to (and cheerfully did) care for the spiritual needs of all military members, homosexual or not, it seems that the military is not going to return the favor. While chaplains regarded homosexuality as one of a multitude of sins, the military is not going to regard their freedom of religion as an actual right.

This isn't new. In 2005 a report came out that suggested that conservative chaplains were being discriminated against. They were being told not to pray "in the name of Jesus" and found hiring and promotions problems as a result. In 2006, a bill regarding military spending levels was held up on the question of whether or not chaplains could pray according to the dictates of their consciences. The military was opposed. You see, people are offended if you pray in a way they don't like. Your conscience and your beliefs are irrelevant.

So chaplains are being told to get in line or resign. There is concern that reading certain passages from Leviticus or 1 Corinthians will be difficult if not punishable. The Army's Chief Chaplain called for a day of prayer and fasting and the Military Religious Foundation called for his firing. When Lisa Ward, the Senior Vice Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12075 and the widow of Major Richard Ward, a 30 year veteran, tried to have her husband buried at the Houston National Cemetery with the traditional VFW Burial Ritual, the National Cemetery Director placed restrictions on the religious speech because the ceremony mentioned "God". And on and on it goes.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the Washington Post is accurate, that we've arrived at the point of mainstream acceptance of homosexuality. So? Well, apparently, in order to give this group their rights, the necessity is that religious and moral freedom needs to be impaired in this country. The price for their acceptance in society is the silence of chaplains in the military and Christians everywhere. It's odd, too. Christians and chaplains have maintained that sex outside of marriage (as an example) is a sin. That particular sin has also gained mainstream acceptance. No one told them to shut up over that, did they? But now? What has changed? I think there are clear answers, and they aren't going to be pleasant.


  1. Indeed, and those who push the agenda recognize that the right of religious expression (not to mention a couple of others) already enumerated in the Constitution, must take a back seat to the false right to engage in bad behavior and force acceptance upon the population at large. There is no way the two can peacefully go-exist. Righteousness living with unrighteousness? Not possible.

  2. I find it odd that Christians have always held that premarital sex was a sin and no one ordered them to cease and desist with that accusation. Why is this particular sin worthy of rescinding the freedom of religion?

  3. The homosexual lobby has more financial support to market their lies, plus, as we both know, there isn't a whole lot of preaching about sexual impurity these days. Thus, there's little to fight.


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