Sunday, June 17, 2012

Not Forgotten

Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the LORD has comforted His people and will have compassion on His afflicted. But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me." (Isa 49:13-14).
If we are honest we all go through times of depression and despair. We're always told "Sing for joy" and assured that God is on our side, that He's looking out for us, that everything will be okay. Well, everything is not okay sometimes. Sometimes they're tough. A loved one is sick or dying. We lose our jobs like everyone else. We may be struck with illness or pain that the doctor's can't solve. We can certainly suffer injustice. Sometimes we don't see a reason for singing for joy or comfort in the promise that the Lord will have compassion ... because it doesn't feel like it right now.

I suppose God knew that about us, because He has a reply to Zion from which we can benefit:
"Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands" (Isa 49:15-16).
Like always, God's people (like us) can forget God's compassion, can feel forsaken and forgotten by God. There is no doubt that we feel that way at times. And we may have good reasons, too. But God offers this assurance. In human terms, a mother cannot likely forget her child. More sure than a mother's love, however, God cannot forget you. "Behold," He says, "I have engraved you on the palms of My hands."

You know, that's better than a sticky note on the refrigerator or even a Sharpee on the back of your hand. All of that can be missed. But we whom God loves are engraved on Him -- right there on the palm of His hand. We cannot be forgotten. So when we feel forsaken and forgotten, remember. You are part of God's cheat notes, that which He refuses to forsake or forget. He will comfort His people and He will have compassion on His afflicted. No doubt. We might forget, but He won't. And that's good news.

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