Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Another Polygamy View

Apparently I'm not the only one that does not actually believe that the Bible condones polygamy (let alone endorse or encourage).


  1. 3 days shy of posting the same topic 4 years ago.

    It is an interesting point that while the Bible does morality stories in it, they are most often immorality stories. They are telling of how God used this stiff-necked, hard-hearted, rebellious group of people to accomplish His goal. And if He can do that for them, He can certainly do that for us.

  2. I'll send you the links, but it looks like the sex with monors folks are jumping on the bandwagon as well.

  3. Wow, the logic in that article is bad.

  4. He argued that many examples offered in Scripture were to illustrate the negative ("Don't do this") and then (with examples) that there were many examples of problems caused by polygamy. You would argue, then, that the things that characters did in the Bible were by definition good?

  5. I would go thru his actual post and show the logic errors, or errors in fact. Sorry, on iphone :)

  6. I didn't find his argument conclusive, but I thought there was some sense to it.

  7. I wasn't speaking of his sense, but of the logical flow of his argument. I don't have time right now, but, if you're interested, maybe later?

  8. Vaughn, I wouldn't be too surprised about the logical flow of his post, since he's probably American, and if you look at most American internet "writers", proper logical flow is a lost art because as a group we just don't care. It's really sad, but not surprising.


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