Thursday, March 29, 2012


I don't often post twice in a day, but I read this news item and had to point it out. Seriously? Words deemed "upsetting" (like "birthday", "divorce", or even references to wealth) should be removed? (Note, by the way, that they are literally trying to ban "religion".) You see, we have a right not to be "upset". Sigh.


  1. Really, dinosaurs suggests evolution? Can't read "birthday" because Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate them?
    Some people seem to think children and teens are so fragile that even reading a word IN A TEST will upset them. You want to ban something upsetting to children, ban tests, not the words on tests. I remember I was more concerned about the test than whether it said dinosaur or divorce.
    I agree with you, facepalm.

  2. Yes, seriously, if the overriding goal is to not upset them, the tests will need to be banned, won't they? I mean what's more likely? "I was fine with the test until I came across the word 'dinosaur'" or "I was upset about taking the test ... the word 'dinosaur' was in it?"?


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