Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Keeping a Promise

Those of the more conservative ilk complain about President Obama a lot. He's too liberal, too socialist-leaning. He's too pro-abortion. He's too eager to raise taxes, encourages class-conflict. He's increasing our national debt while touting his economic plans. He's not even a genuine American. Okay, maybe that last one is for a lesser number of conservatives, but you get the idea. Barack Obama rode the anti-Bush wave into the White House with promises to the people that they dearly hoped he would keep, and most (even some previous supporters) don't think he has kept them.

Now he is complaining about the narrow-mindedness of the Republicans and their energy plan in the face of skyrocketing prices at the pump. "Their plan is to drill, drill, drill." Not him. He has a comprehensive plan. Check it out for yourself. Stop climate change. Protect the environment. Stop climate change and protect the environment by getting off oil. "Yes, we can!" ("Excuse me, Mr. President, but exactly how will this get me to work on Monday with the gas prices going past $5 a gallon today?")

The natural response of his detractors is to point to another promise not kept. I beg to differ. Check the record, folks. Here's what Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle back in January 2008: "Under my plan… energy rates will necessarily skyrocket." Now, that's pretty clear. And with his dedication to the environment that blocks new drilling and new energy sources, I think he is working hard at keeping that promise. So back off, you detractors. The man promised to skyrocketing prices. He is succeeding. You may not like his policies or politics, but give credit where credit is due.


  1. This is like the person so doctrinaire in his belief that if he cuts off his legs he will evolve wings, he doesn't consider the ramifications of a life without either.

  2. Sometimes you're downright poetic, Danny.


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