Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'd Rather Have Jesus

I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand

Than to be the king of a vast domain
And be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.
This lovely little song was written back in 1922 by Rhea F. Miller. I've always loved this song. So simple, yet so deep and so rich and so ... true.

Yet, today it begs the question. Is it true? By that I mean is it true for you? Most Christians would nod vigorously, of course, but let me ask this. Imagine a heaven where you get all that you've heard about. There are no more tears, no sadness, no pain, no hunger or thirst. There are streets of gold and glorious light and constant joy. Nothing but peace and harmony. If you had an offer to have all of that without the presence of Christ, would you take it? Or would you rather have Jesus?

The question really hits home, then, because we have Him now. Are we enjoying that reality?


  1. Your hypothetical is a little off. If the offer was as stated, there is little difference between that and the reality in the sense that we are still in heaven either way, enjoying eternal life.

    Also, we don't really "have Him" in a manner that is tangible even to most believers and seekers who want what He offers. Heaven will allow us to "have Him" in a manner similar to how we enjoy the company of loved ones now. So the reality of having Him now is not quite the same as it will be in Paradise.

    The choice of riches or Christ is an easy one to make for those who believe and feel confident in His Promise. But we aren't made to decide such things as an either/or except as to worship. If we worship our possessions, even if we are poor, we have made the same choice as between riches or luxurious possessions and Christ. I'd rather have Jesus than anything or anyone in my life, but, while I live, I seek the best life possible and do so on His terms to the best of my ability.

  2. The question is would you be happy in heaven with the comfort and all but without Christ. Did you not really understand that? The reason for the question is that a lot of people come to God not for God, but for what they think they can get from God. I'm trying to help people see that. Apparently I'm of no help to you in that.

  3. But God is what we get when we come to God. That is, there is something to gain and I don't believe that is wrong-headed thinking. Indeed, I believe that it's exactly the offer. God and eternal life go hand in hand. They are inseparable. Or rather, God and Paradise are. Where He is, so is Paradise if we are with Him.

    But your hypothetical does separate God from Heaven so as to put them as two equal choices.

    Even to distinguish between coming to God for Him as opposed to what we can get from Him is a wedge between what is really one Thing. That is, again, God, and all that means, is what we get from God. One cannot come to God without receiving something and one cannot expect to receive something by not coming to God.

  4. No doubt. Paul says "I count all things as rubbish in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ." Yes, indeed, that is unbelievable gain. But a large number of people who "come to Christ" do so because they are seeking "peace" or "heaven" or "love" or "comfort", many things that we do indeed receive as children of God, but not without the requisite faith and death to self. Some even "come to Christ" to gain worldly goods and worldly health, stuff we are not promised. Coming to Christ to gain Christ is a good thing. His wonderful gifts are a good thing. We just need to be careful not to take our eyes off the real prize and begin to love the gifts rather than the Giver.

  5. Yeah, I think the point Stan is making is that many people choose Christ, not for the sake of Christ, but for the benefits Christ brings. Christ could be Allah, or Buddha, or Bob for all they care, as long as they receive the benefits. Coming to Christ out fear of damnation is one thing, remaining a Christian for fear damnation isn't.


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