Saturday, August 06, 2011

An Argument from Silence

As hard to believe as it might be for some Bible-believing Christians, there are actually those who will tell you that "The Bible is not opposed to homosexuality" and certainly follow that with, "And God favors gay marriage." Inherent in these claims is the problem of language (using "homosexuality" like it's a condition rather than a choice of actions, using "gay" for what it was not originally intended, and using "marriage" to mean something it never has before), but there is another inherent problem. The Bible doesn't say any such thing.

Look, I could offer you links to places that argue why the Bible is not opposed to homosexual behavior or why God favors "same-sex marriage", or, most likely, both, but what is missing in these links is the simple truth of the situation. These are arguments from silence. Consider the following:

1. There are no positive references in the Bible to homosexual behavior.

2. All possible references to homosexual behavior are negative references -- sin.

3. All references to marriage in the Bible that include any gender are always in terms of "male and female", "husband and wife".

4. There are no biblical references to two people of the same gender being married.

None of this is up for dispute. Those who argue otherwise openly admit that "it appears as if" the Bible is opposed to homosexual behavior before they go on to explain that it is a mistake to assume that what it appears to say is what it intended to say. Any argument, then, that favors homosexual behavior or expanding the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples does so from biblical silence.

Not only is the Bible vocal in its opposition and silent on its support, but so also is the Church. For the entire history of the Church and Judaism before that, homosexual behavior of all types was considered sin. It has ever been thus up until the late 20th century. Now, if you think about that for just a moment, that is phenomenal. I mean, the Church has had disagreements about a lot of stuff. They've disagreed about everything from which books should be in the Bible to whether or not Jesus was God. They disagreed about how we get saved and how we stay saved. They disagreed about modes of baptism, who to baptize, and the effects of baptism. They have disagreed about so very many aspects of things "Christian" that one might begin to wonder if there has ever been agreement on anything. Well, dear reader, allow me to answer that question. In all the history of the Church, there has never been disagreement on the moral nature of homosexual behavior. It has always been classified as a sin. Further, while the outworking of marriage has had its variations, the definition has always been the same -- the union of man and woman. Look at that! Two things on which the Church in all its phases and infighting all agree!

Enter the late 20th century. Now we're being told that, while the Bible has nothing positive to say about homosexual behavior, it's wrong to conclude that it is opposed to it. You'd be incorrect in assuming that, just because every biblical reference to such acts classify them as sin, all such acts are sin. And just because all biblical references to marriage are in terms of "husband and wife", "man and woman", is no reason to think that this is the only option even though there are absolutely no references to any other kind of "marriage". I just read in John where Jesus told His disciples, "When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). The conclusion appears to be that He failed to do so for 2000 years, that the Church has always been wrong on this topic and the definition of marriage, and that now the enlightened few have arrived at the correct meaning for which no apparent biblical or historical support can be offered. "It doesn't mean what it obviously appears to mean" is the best argument you're going to get. And the apparent arrogance of the claim, "We got it right even though no one prior to our generation has ever seen this" is lost on those making the claim. It is, at best, an argument from silence. It is, at worst, a lie from the father of lies.


  1. So, let me get this straight, homosexuality is in fact a sin and will always be. Your post isn't entirely clear but this could because your writing style is still new to me.

  2. So let me get this straight. You're kidding, right? Because I thought it was abundantly clear that sin is sin and always will be and the Bible is clear on this particular sin.

  3. Well, I thought what you said was perspicuous! Perhaps some people aren't good at reading and comprehension, which is why so many now think that the Bible approves of homosexual behavior in "loving" circumstances.

    Ah, Stan, there you go again muddling the issue with facts!

  4. It seems as though the argument is essentially that "marriage" erases the underlying sinful behavior.

  5. Might I point out that Craig has it EXACTLY right (at least if you wish to look at it that way). Sexual behavior outside of the marriage context is generally condemned in the Bible and most of recognize that and agree with that. We BELIEVE that there is something about sexual behavior that really needs to be part of a committed, adult, faithful, respectful relationship.

    So, sex outside of marriage (for gay or straight folk) = Not good, not recommended.

    Sex INSIDE marriage (gay or straight) = an "erasing of the underlying sinful behavior." One could certainly look at it that way.

    I don't call sex inside marriage an "erasing of the underlying sinful behavior." I say that marriage is the right context for good sexual behavior, blessed and wonderful and beautiful.

    Post or not, your call. Just saying a big AMEN to Craig.

  6. Craig,

    I understood you to mean that one side would claim that marriage makes homosexual sex no longer sinful, but that you would hold that cloaking a sinful action (all homosexual behavior) doesn't make it any less sinful. Dan, obviously, understood you to say something different. I wonder if you could clear that up.

  7. The only way one could look at sex being okay inside "marriage" is if they completely ignore that God says homosexual behavior is wrong in ANY context.

  8. That would also fall under the category of, if you make it "right" in society's eyes, how can you say it's a sin.

  9. And once again, Dan errs greatly in pretending that marriage would mitigate the sinfulness of homosexual behavior, as if there was ever a contextual angle to the prohibition in the first place. There clearly wasn't (clear to honest people). If Dan wished to legitimize his willful disregard for God's clearly revealed Will regarding human sexuality, he would have to show some bit of Scriptural evidence that suggests that there was ever any confusion as to what is meant when the term "marriage" is used therein. There exists no such example that suggests any possible alternative to the understanding of the term that has existed since the dawn of man/one woman.

  10. Retraction:

    Craig, no need to reply. I apparently understood you correctly and Dan understood you correctly. He was simply responding to the words without any view of your actual intent. He was agreeing with the phrase he cited, not your actual beliefs on the subject. I retract my question.

  11. Stan,

    My position is that the act homosexual sex is inherently sinful. (Note, I would differentiate homosexual sex from homosexual desire, temptation, or orientation)

    In Dan's construct homosexual sex becomes non-sinful once marriage is applied.

    Where Dan is correct is that sex outside of the bounds of marriage (male female being the only biblical example we have) is sinful.

    Hope this clears things up.

  12. "So, sex outside of marriage (for gay or straight folk) = Not good, not recommended."

    So is sex outside of the marriage covenant sinful or just "not recommended"?


    Jesus predicted 2000 years ago (in Luke 17) that just before His return to earth as Judge, there will be a strange worldwide fad notable for its speed, boldness, violence, and impudent in-your-face openness. He called this craze the repetition of the "days of Lot" (see Genesis 19 for details). By helping to fulfill this spontaneous worldwide mania quietly coordinated by unseen forces, gays are actually hurrying up the final Judgeship of Christ. What's really scary is the phrase "reprobate mind" found in Romans 1:28. One can ignore one's conscience so much that God finally turns that person over to the "reprobate mind" of the most diabolical leader of evil in the universe. When this happens it's almost as if the brainwashed human being has signed a statement saying "I don't ever want God and don't care if I end up in Hell!" The entire first chapter of Romans explains why God is forced to eventually and sorrowfully abandon certain individuals who constantly choose evil over good and ignore their conscience! If you're laughing at this message, you may have almost reached the point of no return. Be sure to keep on laughing when God allows entire cities to be suddenly destroyed. Revelation 16:18-19 describes the greatest earthquake of all time which will level the "cities of the nations" - a quake that's never achieved this in the past. There's only one thing that can destroy America - no matter who becomes President - and that's a four-letter word: EVIL. Change the letters and you can become totally VILE (and thus do your part to force God to send America even more disasters). Or better yet, you can turn to Christ (He's the "Creator" that America's founders referred to). And He's alive and promises to reveal Himself to you if you will just pray to Him in your own words and tell Him what you need! If you decide to partner with Him, He can change the letters in EVIL and show you how you can really LIVE - and you'll kick yourself for not checking Him out sooner! Remember, He can forgive and erase from His records ANY sin - even murder - since He's the only Saviour who can do this! I write this in the spirit of love because I care for the part of you that will live forever in either Heaven or Hell!

    (Saw the above on the net - Mike)

  14. My high school years were quite awhile ago. I was a freshman in high school some 30 years ago. Back then, the senior valedictorian came to one of my classes to give his valedictory speech. In it he warned that America (in the early 70's) mimicked Rome in her declining years and if we didn't turn around our moral failures, we would also go the same way as Rome. That was three decades ago. It hasn't happened ... yet.

    Alexis de Tocqueville is credited with having said, "America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great." I think that senior was right and I think that de Tocqueville is right and I think that the intent of the quote you gave is right. Repent or suffer the consequences. I do have to wonder, on the other hand, about the alarm bells -- "America is falling! America is falling!" We're closer to such consequences, I'm sure, but I wouldn't hazard a guess as to the time frame of such consequences. I am pretty sure, however, that we cannot "hurry up" the final judgment. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure judgment will come ... precisely when God intends it.


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