Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Smith

My surname is Smith. That's me. Part of the grand family of Smiths. On my father's side of the family tree we have hundreds of siblings, cousins, uncles, second cousins, and so on because the Smiths are a big family.

Of course, it would have to be, wouldn't it? I mean, what other family did God make? "Behold," God Himself said, "I Myself have created the Smith" (Isa 54:16). You may be a Miller or a Jones, a Wang or a Petrovich, or even a Hodson, but none of those other names are listed by God as specifically created by God.

My mother used to tell me a fanciful story about how Adam and Eve were named Smith and that everyone who sinned after that had to change their names. Funny. But, of course, silly, as well. You see, Adam and Eve sinned, so there would be no Smiths. But that's okay, because it was a joke. In truth, Adam and Eve were the Smiths. I mean, they were the ones that God made, right? It wasn't sin that made anyone change their name. It was apparently a drift from God's one, God-given, God-designed name of Smith. As sin had its sway and people drifted from the truth, they took on other names. Today there are over 24 million surnames in the world.

But, I'm still a Smith. My sons are Smiths. All the rest of you may lay about in your godless surnames and think you're okay, but I rest confident in knowing that God Himself made the Smith. Deal with it.


  1. Well, I WAS going to have a nice day but now.......

    Darn. Darn surname!

    If there are any, this should flush out any Smiths who read you, Stan. You can rejoice together in wonderful Smithiness.

    Ocasionally, over the years, I have told people I felt like I lost my identity when I took on my husband's very common last name. I became just another one of many with my same first and last name, whereas my maiden name was very unusual and I felt more like one of a kind, more unique. I soon discovered there was a woman at my place of employment with the same name and at the church we attended. Oh well.

    But whatever it was and is, it still wasn't Smith. :o/

  2. Not to worry, Sherry. I'm quite sure that your lack of a proper "Smith" surname isn't due to your sin, but to the sins of your ancestors and the ancestors of your husband. Ain't forgiveness grand? :)

  3. Yeah, well, that's because you're a sinner who fails to recognize that God did not make the "Smythe", but did make the "Smith". Hey, it's in the Bible!

  4. I know you posted this out of context, but the rest of the context makes us God's weapon. That is so cool.

  5. "...that's because you're a sinner who fails to recognize that God did not make the "Smythe", but did make the "Smith"."

    Po TAY toe Po TAH toe


  6. Thanks for clearing that up. I was thinking Smite was one of the derivatives.

  7. You know, Dan, based on the text ("I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon for its purpose."), you may just have something there. Hmmm. Watch out, Marshall.


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