Thursday, May 26, 2011

1 Corinthians 13:8b-13

Okay, so we've seen that love is essential. No matter what "good" we may think we have accomplished, if it is not motivated by love, it is worse than useless. Seeing that, we've looked at what the Bible considers genuine love (as opposed to what our world thinks is love). It will likely produce the feelings we've come to associate with the concept of love, but these feelings don't define love. Instead, love is a choice we make to seek the best for the other, look always in that direction, and stand always for that aim.

So, what about all that good stuff? What about the ability to tell God's truth or the special gift of speaking foreign languages or having that special keen insight? The fact is that all this "stuff" that we consider important today will eventually end. It's temporal, temporary, impermanent. It's on its way out. The best we can do these days is to imperfectly prophesy and partially know. But the day is coming when that goes away and the perfect and complete replaces it. So why get so wrapped up in it?

We're like children. We think we're pretty smart, pretty eloquent, pretty reasonable. But when a child grows up and looks back, he finds he was ... childish. Well, we're still childish. We see things, perhaps, but we see them dimly. It's like trying to comb your hair with a steamed up mirror. We know we're in there ... but we're just not clear where. No, the day is coming when we will know the truth and we will be face to face with God. Today we know partial truth; then we'll know the full truth. Today we know God somewhat; then we'll know Him fully, like He has known us.

There are lots of "good" things in this world. There are spiritual gifts and moral activities and all. Just keep in mind that this world is temporary. Don't get so tied up in the temporary that you miss the things that last. What lasts? Well, faith is lasting and hope goes on and love just keeps going and going better than any Energizer bunny (never fails, remember?). Given that love is the proper basis for all that we do, it must be that love is the most important of these. That, therefore, should be our aim, our goal, our primary attention. And not that silly, man-made version. No, biblical love. It's big, it's lasting, and it's essential. So, what are you waiting for?

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