Sunday, March 27, 2011

God Wins

Years ago when one of my teenage sons asked me, "Dad, how can I know God's will?", I answered at first somewhat flippantly. "Well, what's ahead is not so easy, but I can tell you without a doubt that whatever happened yesterday was God's will." Yeah, funny, Dad. Now, how about a useful answer?

Flippant? Yes. Useless? Not at all. As it turns out, that answer has sustained me through some of the toughest times of my life. When I would question the way I raised my children, I could know for sure that whatever happened back then, God had planned it and would use it for their best interest, whether or not I had been a "perfect father". When I lost a job or lost a family member or moved from my home or married (because all such events can easily be questioned after the fact), I could rest assured that God had planned it and would use it for the best. Whether I had done well or had failed miserably, I could rest assured that God was Sovereign, that He works all things after the counsel of His will, and that, whether or not I could see the evidence of "success" (whatever that might mean), I could know beyond Satan's accusations or any of my doubts, God had succeeded every time.

Flippant? Perhaps. But not useless. Never useless when it reminds me of how great God is despite my certain shortcomings or even occasional successes. He always wins.

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