Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bad Husbands

I have to admit it. There is a sense in which I really like lousy husbands. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't like husbands who are not good to their wives, but there is a positive side to bad husbands. You see, whenever my wife gets around a poor husband ... I look really good. You see, when the standard is that low, it's a lot easier to exceed it.

When I was young, to excel at work you had to work hard. You a had to show up on time, do your best, really be outstanding in your field. As time passed, it became easier. My son told me that all he had to do to get ahead was show up for work. Most of the people his age might not on any given day. You see, when the standard is that low, it's a lot easier to exceed it.

Lots of people complain about "those lousy Christians" who think "they're the only ones who are right." All that talk about "Hell" and "sin" and all that just brings everyone down. Most of us are good enough. Most of us are going to be okay. God, if He exists, is not so narrow-minded that He would miss the fact that, compared to those other folk (you know, like Hitler or some serial killer or something), I'm not so bad at all. You see, when the standard is that low, it's a lot easier to exceed it.

And, of course, that's the problem, isn't it? The standard is too low. It's true that we may be just as "good" as most others with whom we might compare ourselves. Wrong standard. God's standard is perfection. Now that's a tough standard to even approach, let alone meet. So, it's true that bad husbands make me look good. It just means that, for a short time, I don't look quite so bad. I come out pretty good, as a matter of fact. But, fortunately for my wife, "bad husband" is not the standard I'm trying to meet. Neither is "good enough compared to Hitler." I've a long way to go. But ... I'll take that hug I get when she sees that guy berating his wife in public and appreciates that I don't do that. Not good enough, I know, but who am I to turn down a hug?

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