Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why is that?

Strange. Over the last election cycle the Tea Party has been consistently ridiculed and mocked by the media. The Tea Party is a populist movement. It is a call for a return to "We the people". It is a throwback to the Boston tea party where the people told the government, "No taxation without representation." It's an attempt to stand up for everyman. It is not "Republican" or "conservative" on its own. It's just a group of people who share the same frustration with government. And they're nuts, bone fide wackos, right-wing crazies. Just ask the media.

On the other hand we have a growing voice in various state capitals who are standing on their rights with louder and louder voices. They have a right to entitlements. They have a right to benefits. They have a right to high pay. So what if the state has no ability to maintain that? Who cares if the government is about to go bankrupt? What is it to them that there is not enough money to maintain their demands? It's their right. For sex offenders, it's "NIMBY" -- not in my backyard. For unions it's "NOMB" -- not on my back. No, no, let someone else pay for the state's problems. For that matter, why not just print your own money? Hey, the federal government is doing it! These, you see, are valiant warriors, standing for what is right, holding the line against evil.

Why is that? Why is one group crazy and the other brave? Why is one group outlandish and the other mainstream? Why the disparity in media portrayal?


  1. You said "no taxation without representation". That is no longer valid you know. It should read: "no representation without taxation". As you know I've written on this and I would expect for you to remember it. Shame !

  2. Well, yeah, I said, "No taxation without representation", but I was only quoting those silly folks from the 18th century ... you know, the ones that founded the country. Fortunately we're much wiser now with your new version.


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