Saturday, February 26, 2011

Doing the Obama Shuffle

Since the 2010 election cycle when the president's political party took a "shellacking" at the polls, it has seemed that President Obama has been shifting toward center. He has made motions of "reaching across the aisle". He compromised with Republicans to allow the richest Americans to retain their Bush tax cuts. He tried to reverse what the business community called his "anti-business" stance. It was starting to look like a "new and improved" President Obama.

In the last week, the president has done his own version of the shuffle. Lest you think that he has shifted toward center, he has let us all know that he is still firmly on the left. First, he removed protection for medical workers whose consciences wouldn't let them perform certain activities. "Sorry. You lose. That whole 'freedom of religion' thing? Forget it. Your freedom to act by your conscience ends at your nose ... not mine. If it means that you won't do what someone else wants you to do, you do not have that freedom." And now he has instructed the Department of Justice not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Now, remember, back in 1996 the Senate voted 85 to 14 and the House voted 342 to 67 (how often are there such lopsided votes?) to officially define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman. But the president has decided not to defend marriage.

So, let's recount. While appearing to move from far left toward more center in the wake of a stinging defeat at the polls, it now seems that President Obama has clearly marked his territory. What is his "left" territory? Well, you folks who believe that marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman -- you know, the traditional, longstanding definition from the beginning of time -- you're all wrong. And you silly religious folk who think you have a conscience? Yeah, you're all wrong, too. We are the government. We determine what is real and what is not, what is right and what is not. Not you, not history, not tradition, not even the majority. Enjoy your freedom, folks! We're on your side!


  1. that was a lopsided vote in the senate because the democrats knew that the courts would carry their water for them. Even senator obama knew to pretend he was for traditional mariage when he was interviewed by Rick Warren. Then, no one could have imagined the power that would come with being the first black president of a completely depraved nation; the power to flout just about anything they wanted to flout. Will they get a spanking at the valot box next year? That will probably depend on how well the media is able to convince the people that we are enjoying a full fedged recovery. What it won't depend on is any fallout from the democrat party coming out of the closet on its true stance on homosexual marriage.

  2. I saw this from Piper's blog the other day.

    "A 1951 laughable thought: In 60 years the President of the United States will refuse to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

    A 2011 laughable thought: In 60 years the President of the United States will refuse to exclude from marriage a man and a chimp.

    Are you laughing?"

    Who knows where our national depravity will take us? Who knows how long God will tolerate it? Will God deal with it by judgment or revival? All sorts of interesting questions, eh?


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