Sunday, January 30, 2011

You Are Here

No, not quite there. A little bit to the left. No, just a little ... oh, never mind. The speck that is "Earth" is far too infinitesimal to actually be relevantly located on this picture. Of course, you are the tiniest of all possible specs on that infinitesimal spot that is Earth. And, then, there is the fact that this is just one of the galaxies out there. Feel small?

Let me tell you something absolutely amazing. God is listening to you. He hears your prayers. He hears your praise. He cares about you. Now that is something to be amazed at.
O LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You think of him? (Psa 144:3)


  1. Have you seen/heard the Louie Giglio presentations where he talks about this. They are Indescribable and How Great is Our God. I saw him do one of them at a Chris Tomlin date a couple of years ago. Really powerful stuff.

  2. I saw one of Giglio's presentations on video recently, then heard about the same concept from a John Piper presentation I was listening to. Both good. (I am wary of the whole "Look, at the core of the universe is a cross!" thing, though. I mean, seriously, if it was an image in the shape of, say, the devil's horns, would we say, "Look! The center of our universe is Satan because we can see horns in the image of the universe!"?)

  3. Stan,

    I agree on the cross thing, it's kind of cool, but I don't know that I'd make a big deal of it. I was struck by how well Giglio contrasted the hugeness of the universe and the smallness of humanity, all tied together with how much God loves us. I'm a little biased because when I heard him do the talk it was a case of it being something I really needed to hear at a time when I really needed to hear it.

  4. Oh, yeah, I'm with you. Of all that Giglio had to say, that whole "cross in the middle" thing was really minor. All that about the size of the universe and the smallness of Man and the amazing fact that the Master of the Universe would care at all about the tiny particle that is "Man" was and is an important and eye-opening reality.


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