Friday, January 07, 2011

The Rapture

Have you heard? We now have it on good authority that the Rapture will take place on May 21, 2011. I am disappointed that the prediction isn't specific enough to tell me what time. I like to be punctual, you know, and, besides, it lets me plan my day. You know, like waiting for the cable repair guy all day when it would have been easier if you had a time window. But, hey, I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

Of course, I'm being a little sarcastic. I don't believe for a moment that Harold Camping is correct. I mean, everyone knows that the world will end in 2012. What's up with this "2011" stuff?

Okay, so maybe I'm not just a little sarcastic. But, seriously, I do not buy Camping's stuff. I mean, he got it wrong in 1994. Why would I think he's right today? (Remember, the biblical standard for "prophet" is 100% accuracy. That would make him a ... say it with me ... false prophet.) So he has been wrong before and it doesn't align with Scripture (like the verses that say "No man knows" this information). Sorry, Harry. I'm not going along with you.

And then, at the back of my mind, without any sense of reality or rationality, I find this longing, this hope, this "wishful thinking". "Ah, but what if he's right? I mean, no, absolutely, he's not, but ... wouldn't it be grand to be going home to the Father so soon?" Even rationalists need to have dreams sometimes.

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