Saturday, November 13, 2010

Positively Dangerous

This phrase, "positively dangerous", means something to us. It means "While this is likely dangerous, that is certainly dangerous." It means "I'm positive that this is dangerous." Is it possible, though, for a different take? Is it possible that something can be both positive and dangerous? Is it possible for something to be dangerous in a positive way? I think it can.

Imagine an election (not like the one we just had) where honest, wholesome, rational, moral people with integrity and real values were put in office ... en masse. An influx of honesty and integrity. That, to me, would be positively dangerous. It would be positive for obvious reasons, but it would be dangerous because of the potential to radically shift our society. It would contain a danger to the status quo, a threat to the current crop and climate of politicians. A second election that had a similar wave of people would carry a greater threat to what is currently "the government", portending greater change and less "government as usual". It might stir up the current politicos, the current Republican and Democrat and whatever other side that hasn't aligned with this kind of thinking. They'd have to rethink, respond. Sometimes stirring up a hornets' nest like that can be dangerous. Dangerous? Certainly to some. But positive.

How about if you were to discover that your theology was in error? This doctrine you believed to be true isn't or that which you denied is. This thing you do all the time is sin or that thing which you ignore is a sin to ignore. Now that would be positively dangerous. You see, as long as you think you're okay in doctrine or sin, you're not going to do anything about it. I mean, why should you? But if you come to the conclusion that you've made an error, now you're faced with various problems. You have to choose what course to take -- the original one or the new one. There is the possibility, even likelihood that friends and family are among those who agreed with your error. What will you do about that? It may even be that you determine that your pastor or favorite teacher(s), your spouse, your parents, or other people you respect are in error. Now that is tough. You have to choose to stop the sin, to change the perspective, and how to deal with others. That is certainly trying -- dangerous. But surely the move toward truth and godliness is positive, right? In truth, for some this whole thing is too trying to consider and they blow it off in favor of keeping the peace. Positive, probably, but dangerous, too.

I bet, if I think about it further, there are many more things that could be classified as "positively dangerous" in a positively different sort of way than the standard use of the phrase.


  1. Stan, for what it's worth...

    But if you come to the conclusion that you've made an error, now you're faced with various problems. You have to choose what course to take -- the original one or the new one. There is the possibility, even likelihood that friends and family are among those who agreed with your error. What will you do about that?

    Tell me about it! I HAVE come to the conclusion in times past - being convicted by the Holy Spirit that I need to change my position on certain sacred cow positions I held - that I need to change to try to align with this newer, better understanding. And it's NOT easy to relinquish these views of which I was so certain. But what WILL we do about it when faced with new convictions, new leadings? Well, we must change, mustn't we?

    No matter if friends or family or even fellow Christians disagree with us, denounce us, we must strive to obey God, rather than humanity, right?


  2. Keep telling yourself that, Dan.

  3. Dan,

    If you are able to ignore God's Holy Spirit in regards to abortion and homosexuality, how can you be sure it is the Spirit anytime?

    Your sacred cow positions need to include things that are clear in Scripture. Sorry, I had a hard time letting that one slide. Apparently Marshall did also...

  4. Here in this case, Stan, I agree with your point. Other people see fit to make commentary of a personal nature. All I did was agree with your position.

    And I repeat: We MUST obey God, rather than humanity.

    Even so, Lord Jesus, let it be.

  5. And since it's off topic, you might be better to let it go, but since Starflyer asked, I'll answer...

    If you are able to ignore God's Holy Spirit in regards to abortion and homosexuality, how can you be sure it is the Spirit anytime?

    I'll answer because (setting aside the personal and, I'd say erroneous presumption that I have "ignored" God's Spirit) it is an EXCELLENT question, SF. How can any of us "be sure" we are rightly hearing God's leading, God's Spirit in our lives? It is for this reason that I personally strive for the more humble, "It seems to me," on non-biblical topics rather than "GOD SAID..."

    How can YOU be sure you are rightly hearing God's Spirit, SF?

  6. Dan,

    Fortunately with some things, the BIBLE is clear...and that is how I can be sure. I go off what the Bible says, as though it were God Himself speaking to me. If my thinking aligns with that, I KNOW I'm good. Any other way (like worldly reason) and I have good reason to doubt...I made that comment only because you have time and again fought for things that the Bible is clear about...I'll be honest, I have many concerns for you, when you fight for homosexuality, abortion, etc. Concerns, not judgement. But your thinking is sometimes "positively dangerous".


  7. So you think the Bible is clear on some topics that other people have different opinions on. Other people are sure that the Bible is clear on topics that you have other opinions on.

    It's rather subjective measure, seems to me.

    So, it seems to me we carefully and prayerfully strive our best by God's grace to understand God's Will the best we can by God's grace. And I agree with Stan's post: We stand by that understanding the best we can.

    In the meantime, I suggest we do so humbly, recognizing that all of godly wisdom does not begin nor end with us.

    Even if you disagree with me on some other points, SF, I'd hope you could agree with me on that point. Amen?

  8. "So you think the Bible is clear on some topics that other people have different opinions on."


    We all know which opinion you oppose and that the basis for that opposition is extra-Biblical, and often not Biblical at all. You, and your sources, have inserted into the text that to which the text makes no reference and without which your opposition makes even less sense than it does as it stands.

    In response to these reminders of the obvious, you request civility and humility as if the mere mention of the truth is to abstain from either. There is no claim that all of Godly wisdom either begins or ends with us merely for stating the blatant and obvious truth about a given issue. What this request is is merely a demand that we shut up and honor your "belief" as worthy of respect as potentially being possibly more accurate than ours. It clearly isn't and I'd be a liar to suggest otherwise.

  9. Now that I can give an "Amen" to! Thanks Marshall!


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